Bearded dragons are beautiful creatures that need special care and attention. Basking is a vital part of keeping bearded dragons healthy, but many people are not sure of the importance of the proper way to bask their dragon.
If you own a bearded dragon and have questions about basking, then you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, I will explain why basking is important for bearded dragons, how to properly do it, what temperatures are ideal for basking, and other tips on how to keep your dragon happy and healthy.
With this information in hand, you’ll be able to provide your beloved bearded dragon with all the care they need!

Why Do Bearded Dragons Bask?
Bearded dragons are cold-blooded animals, so they must have access to external heat sources in order for their body temperature to remain optimal.
The sun is the external heat source in the wild, while a basking lamp is used in captivity. Because of this, it’s important to have a good quality basking lamp so that your bearded dragon can stay healthy and warm.
Bearded dragons use basking areas throughout the day to maintain their core body temperature and also after meals to help with digestion. Their bodies need an intense amount of heat to properly digest all the nutrient-rich foods they consume. Without this essential heat, their digestive processes would become sluggish and inefficient.
Overall, basking is integral for bearded dragons as it maintains their proper body temperature and helps them digest food properly. It’s something that shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes to taking care of these amazing creatures!
Basking also helps bearded dragons avoid impaction, which is when their food gets stuck in the digestive system and causes them to lose their appetite and become ill. A good basking area and high-quality basking lamp are necessary for keeping your dragon healthy.
Overall, basking is vital for bearded dragons as it helps promote strong digestion and prevents impaction from occurring. With the combination of a good basking spot and a quality basking lamp, your dragon can remain healthy and grow properly.
What Is the Reason Behind Bearded Dragons Basking With Their Mouths Open?
Bearded dragons are known to bask with their mouths open while they reach the optimal temperature for their body. This is an incredibly clever way for them to regulate their body temperature, as they are unable to sweat as humans do.
This is perfectly normal behavior for Bearded Dragons and they will move away from the basking spot when they no longer need it.
The Reptile Magazine talks about this directly in one of their online Q&A sessions, where they explain that when a Bearded Dragon opens its mouth during basking, heat escapes from the dragon’s body, preventing it from getting too hot.
According to experts, there are nine potential reasons why a bearded dragon may keep its mouth open dehydration, illness/disease, infection of the skin or respiratory system, lack of humidity in the tank environment, teeth problems, and more.
It’s important to investigate these reasons if you notice your Bearded Dragon keeping its mouth open for long periods of time or if it becomes a persistent behavior.
How Long Do Bearded Dragons Bask For?
When it comes to how long Bearded Dragons bask for, there is no one-size-fits-all answer as every Dragon is unique. Some may bask for 8 hours while others may only basking 15 minutes and then move on to other activities.
As a responsible pet owner, you should provide your Bearded Dragon with the best possible basking environment where they will be able to bask in the most comfortable way.
Make sure that the basking lamp you have provides quality heat, is of good quality, and not too old (it could give off lower temperatures than when it was new). You should also provide them with a good basking rock that won’t become too hot.
Natural rocks are best for this as not only do they provide a much better experience for your bearded dragon but are also durable and can last a long time.
The amount of time your dragon spends basking will also depend on how often they eat throughout the day – after each meal, their bodies need to digest their food so more basking time should follow.
Monitor your beardie’s behavior so you know if everything goes alright. This way you can adjust or replace something in the setup if needed.
Basking Zones for a Bearded Dragon
Creating a safe and comfortable basking zone for your bearded dragon is essential to its health and well-being. When it comes to heating for a bearded dragon, the most important thing is to establish a basking zone with temperatures between 90 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the age of your bearded dragon.
You can create this environment through special heat lamp bulbs, ceramic heat emitters, or heating pads. You may need to supplement your terrarium’s heat with a combination of these devices in order to reach the desired temperature range.
It’s also important to provide an object for your bearded dragon to perch upon when they’re in their basking area. Examples of suitable items for this purpose include driftwood, rocks or stones, tree limbs, and bricks.
Be sure that any items from outdoors are chemical-free, mold-free, mildew-free, and insect-free as adding anything else can have serious consequences for your pet’s health. For extra precaution, you should consider sterilizing whatever you add by boiling it in water or baking it in the oven (just don’t put any stones or rocks!).
By following these tips you can successfully create a secure and comfortable environment full of optimal temperatures and surfaces that allow your pet to properly bask while retaining overall comfort throughout their enclosure!
What Temperatures Do Bearded Dragons Need to Bask?
It is essential for the well-being of your Bearded Dragon to maintain the right temperature. The basking area and cool spot should be closely monitored daily to make sure temperatures are where they need to be in order for your pet to digest their meals quickly, without any digestive problems, and stay happy and healthy.
The ideal range of basking temperatures is between 95-115° F (35-46° C). You may also want to drop the temperature in the basking area down at night. It’s important to not let the area get too hot as it can cause serious harm and even death in extreme cases. Additionally, it’s also important that their environment isn’t too cold either as this can lead to low energy levels and respiratory illnesses.
A complete guide that contains information on all related questions around Bearded Dragon temperatures can be found here. It provides a detailed summary of what temperatures Bearded Dragons need both during the day and night. Remember though, these recommendations should only be used as a guide – always consult with a vet!
A Guide to Temperature Requirements for Bearded Dragon Tanks:
Bearded Dragon Temperature Guide |
Basking Area 95°-100°F |
Cool Spot 75°-80°F |
Night 70°-75°F |
For optimal conditions and rest, turn off the basking lamp for your Bearded Dragon when it’s time to sleep.
It is of most importance to adjust the temperature in the tank for older Bearded Dragons, as babies and adults need different temperatures.
Eight summer heat basking tips for bearded dragon owners:
Here are some more tips for bearded dragon owners to set up the basking lamp.
1. Avoid an all-in-one heat bulb with UV light:
If you’re a bearded dragon owner and you want to ensure your pet is healthy and happy during the summer months, then it’s important to provide them with proper heat.
The best way to do that is with separate heating and UV light sources – not an all-in-one heat bulb with UV light. UV light helps prevent metabolic bone disease, and both are needed to mimic their natural environment.
2. Install a thermostat:
If you’re the proud owner of a bearded dragon, then you need to make sure you keep their vivarium at a comfortable and safe temperature. This can be difficult during the summer months, but installing a thermostat is a great way to help.
A thermostat will control the output of your heat lamp, dimming it when the set temperature has been reached so your beardie won’t get too hot.
3. Install some fans:
By adding some fans to the vivarium or enclosure to blow in the fresh air and suck out the old, there will be a steady airflow cycle that cools the enclosure by a few degrees.
You can also place room fans on especially hot days but be careful about placement so that your bearded dragon cannot climb onto or near them.
4. Add more ventilation:
Take advantage of any natural ventilation such as open windows or doors by positioning the enclosure near them.
Add more ventilation by installing secure mesh panels onto one or more walls of the enclosure—this will increase airflow throughout their living space and help keep it cool in hot weather.
5. Try water misting:
As the summer heat rises, bearded dragon owners need to take extra steps to make sure their little dragons are safe and healthy. One of the best things you can do to help your beardie survive the summer is to try water misting.
Water misting is a quick and easy way to cool down your dragon’s habitat, ensuring that your pet has plenty of comfortable space free from any extreme heat. A quick misting in the morning, afternoon, and evening should be sufficient!
6. Water ‘bath’ bowls:
Make sure your bearded dragon has plenty of access to water. Good options include shallow ‘bath’ bowls they can easily climb in and out of. A bathtub is a great way to keep your bearded dragon cool while providing humidity and moisture during the hot season.

Signs That The Basking Temperature is Incorrect
If the temperature in your Bearded Dragon’s tank is incorrect, your dragon may display behaviors indicating something is wrong.
To ensure the optimal basking temperature for your bearded dragon, check to see if the temperature in the basking end of the vivarium is at 37 degrees Celcius (for older bearded dragons) or 43 degrees Celcius (for younger bearded dragons), and 22-26 degrees in the shaded end.
Some signs that the basking temperature might be incorrect include lethargy, lack of appetite, irregular shedding patterns, sluggish reaction time, and extreme aggression.
If you notice any of these behaviors from your dragon, it could mean that its basking temperature needs to be adjusted.
Additionally, don’t forget to switch on your dragon’s heat lamp and UV light in the morning so they can generate energy for the day in around an hour.
This will help them get used to their environment and hopefully, stop any worrisome behaviors that are due to a wrong basking temperature.
Using a Good Quality Basking Lamp
When it comes to basking lamps, it’s important to choose one of high quality. If you buy a low-grade heat lamp from a hardware store, it won’t give your dragon the correct temperature that it needs to complete necessary activities, such as digestion.
Instead, use a high-quality purpose made basking lamp that will retain its heat levels for a long period of time. Cheap lamps tend to lose their heat quickly and need replacing frequently, costing you more money in the long run.
You’ll also want to consider the wattage when choosing a lamp as this will determine how much light and heat it emits. A 50-watt lamp will emit less heat than a 100-watt lamp, so be sure to choose the one that best suits the size of your tank.
Good quality basking lamps are essential for creating an environment where your dragon can thrive and get all the warmth it needs!

Creating a basking area for pet Bearded dragons
Bearded dragons spend most of their daylight time actively basking in the warm sun. This is not only to meet their temperature requirements for normal physiological functioning but also to absorb ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Basking in the sun is vital for a Bearded dragon to ensure optimal health. There are various ways this behavior can be stimulated in pet Bearded dragons living in an enclosure. The main component is creating a basking area – usually in a spot on one side of the enclosure. This area should be raised from the floor and can consist of a log or a rock. If the size of the enclosure allows, multiple basking areas can also be created.
The temperature of the basking area can be raised by using a spotlight as a basking lamp. Heat rocks can also be used, but is less natural. The immediate temperature on the basking surface should be about 40 ºC / 104 ºF with a temperature decrease away from the basking area.
In addition to heating, ultraviolet (UV) lighting should also be supplied to the basking area. For this purpose, a commercial reptile UV light, directed towards, or placed over the basking area can be used. UV aids in sight and the absorption of calcium. To be able to supply enough UV lighting, these sources should be mounted within 30 cm / 12 ” from the highest point of the basking area.UV lighting can either be mounted on the side of cabinet-type enclosures or placed on top of the lid of glass tank / aquarium type enclosures.
Unfiltered sunlight is the best source of UV and regular basking will improve its absorption. Natural sunlight is still required, even if a basking area is supplied. If the weather allows, pet Bearded dragons should spend as much time as possible outside – basking in the sun.
Basking is an essential part of bearded dragon care and can help them live long healthy lives. It’s important to learn about the best basking temperatures for your particular species and to practice good basking habits.
Make sure your bearded dragon has plenty of UVB light, a comfortable place to bask, and access to fresh water. With this advice in mind, your hairy friend should be able to keep nice and warm all year round!