Bearded dragons are a popular pet reptile that requires a balanced diet to stay healthy. While they are mainly known for eating insects and vegetables, many owners wonder if their bearded dragon can eat fruits like peaches.
In this article, we’ll explore whether or not bearded dragons can safely eat peaches, including the nutritional benefits and potential risks. If you’re a bearded dragon owner looking to diversify your pet’s diet, keep reading to find out if peaches are a good option for your scaly friend.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peaches
Bearded dragons can eat peaches, but only in small doses to avoid consuming too much sugar. It is recommended to feed them peaches once a week along with other fruits and vegetables. Bearded dragons enjoy sweet and fleshy fruits, but it’s important to limit their intake to prevent health issues.
Are Peaches Good for Bearded Dragons
Yes, peaches are good for bearded dragons as they are hydrating, rich in fiber, and contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the lizards. Peaches are good for pets’ diets and make them happy.
However, it’s recommended to feed peaches to your bearded dragon occasionally and not frequently to avoid any potential risks.
Are Peaches Nutritious for Bearded Dragons
Peaches are a great source of minerals for bearded dragons. They contain a balanced ratio of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as important minerals like phosphorus and calcium. Peaches also have a high water content and fiber, which helps with digestion. However, it’s important to vary your dragon’s diet and not overfeed them with any one food, as this can lead to boredom and digestive issues.
Nutritional Value of Peaches
Peaches provide essential nutrients for bearded dragons. They contain minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, C, and K. Peaches also provide hydration and fiber, which are important for digestion. However, it’s important to give bearded dragons a variety of foods to prevent digestive issues and loss of appetite.
The Nutritional Value Of 100g Raw Peaches
Water | 88.95 % |
Energy | 39 kcal |
Sugar | 8.4 g |
Fiber | 1.5 g |
Calcium | 6mg |
Phosphorus | 20mg |
Vitamin A | 16ug |
Vitamin C | 6.6mg |
Vitamin K | 2.6ug |
CA:P | 1:3.3 |
Health Benefits of Peaches for Bearded Dragons
While bearded dragons can benefit from the nutritional value of peaches, it’s important to remember that fresh fruit should only be given to them occasionally and not as a staple food. Benefits of Feeding Peaches:
1. Water
Peaches are an excellent source of hydration for bearded dragons as they consist of nearly 89% water. Adequate hydration is crucial for optimal health and well-being. Signs of dehydration in bearded dragons include constipation, sunken eyes, wrinkled skin, lethargy, and lack of appetite.
2. Fiber
Peaches are a good source of fiber, which can help with digestion and reduce the risk of constipation.
3. Vitamin C
Peaches contain a notable amount of vitamin C, which supports the immune system and contributes to the overall health and well-being of bearded dragons.
4. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for promoting good eyesight and healthy skin, as well as supporting a robust immune system. Peaches are a great source of this vital nutrient.
5. Other Benefits
Peaches are a good source of important minerals like potassium, which can help support healthy blood pressure and nervous system function. However, because peaches are high in sugar, they should only be given as an occasional treat or salad topper.
It’s important to include leafy greens like collard greens in your bearded dragon’s diet to ensure they receive a balanced and varied diet.
Risks of Feeding Peaches to Your Beardie
While peaches can be a tasty treat for bearded dragons, there are some risks to be aware of.
1. Goitrogens
Peaches contain goitrogens, which can negatively impact your bearded dragon’s thyroid gland. This can lead to an enlarged thyroid gland and interfere with iodine absorption. It’s important to limit the amount of goitrogenic foods in your dragon’s diet to maintain their thyroid health.
2. Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio
Bearded dragons require a diet high in calcium to maintain strong bones and overall health. However, peaches are low in calcium and high in phosphorus, which can lead to calcium deficiency and metabolic bone disease.
Symptoms of this disease include weakened bones, fractures, deformities, tremors, weakness, and even cardiac failure. It’s important to balance your dragon’s diet with calcium-rich foods to prevent this disease.
3. High Acidity
The pH level of peaches is 3.7, which is unsuitable for bearded dragons due to their sensitivity to acidic foods. Foods that have a low pH level may lead to inflammation in the mouth and discomfort in the stomach if they are consumed. It’s best to avoid feeding your dragon peaches to prevent these issues.
4. Moderate Sugar Content
A 100g serving of peaches contains 8g of sugar, which is considered to be moderate. However, since peaches provide few nutritional benefits, this sugar content is unnecessary. Some recommended foods for bearded dragons may contain more sugar than peaches, but they also provide significant nutritional benefits.
How to Prepare Peaches for Bearded Dragons
To prepare peaches for your bearded dragon, choose ripe, fresh peaches and wash them to remove any dirt or chemicals. To reduce the risk of choking, it is recommended to remove the pit and skin from the peach. Cut the fruit small enough for your beardie to eat easily.
Use a few pieces of fruit as a salad topper to encourage your pet to eat greens like collard greens and leafy greens. Put the salad in the bearded dragon’s tank and watch it eat.
How to Feed Peaches to Your Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons can enjoy a variety of fruits, including peaches. When feeding your bearded dragon peaches, it’s important to follow these simple steps to ensure their safety and enjoyment.
1. Washing the Peach
Before feeding your bearded dragon a peach, it’s essential to wash it thoroughly. This removes any dirt or pesticides that may be harmful to your pet.
2. Removing the Skin and Pit
The skin and pit of a peach can present a choking hazard to your bearded dragon. It’s important to remove them before feeding the fruit to your pet.
3. Slicing the Peach
Cut peaches into small pieces for bearded dragons to eat easily. This also helps prevent your pet from accidentally swallowing large chunks of fruit.
4. Incorporating Peaches into Their Diet
Peaches can be a delicious addition to your bearded dragon’s diet. Consider mixing sliced peaches into a salad of collard greens, bell peppers, carrots, and celery, or offer them as a sweet dessert.
Remember to always monitor your bearded dragon’s diet and adjust it as needed to ensure their health and happiness.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peaches Everyday
Bearded dragons should not eat peaches every day because they contain goitrogens and have an imbalanced calcium to phosphorus ratio. Goitrogens can negatively impact a bearded dragon’s thyroid function, while an imbalance of phosphorus can prevent calcium absorption.
Peaches can be fed once a week, but not more often than that due to their high phosphorus content. A few pieces of peach at a time are enough for your bearded dragon.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peaches
Bearded dragons can have peaches once a week because they contain important nutrients like water, fiber, Vitamins A and C, and potassium. Peaches are not high in sugar, so they can be eaten more often than other fruits like kiwi.
However, it’s important not to give bearded dragons peaches every day because they should have a varied diet and too much of any one food can cause digestive problems. Peaches can be a healthy and tasty addition to a bearded dragon’s diet as a salad topper or occasional treat.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Canned Peaches
It is not recommended to feed canned peaches or any sort of processed or frozen foods to bearded dragons. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always preferred, and boiling or steaming can degrade the nutritional value.
Canned items also contain preservatives that may not be suitable for bearded dragons. It is best to stick to fresh, raw foods for your bearded dragon’s diet.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried Peaches
No, bearded dragons should not eat dried peaches because they contain high levels of sugar. The drying process concentrates the sugar and calories, making even a small piece too much for your beardie to handle.
Too much sugar can lead to problems such as obesity, tooth decay, and stomach issues. It’s best to avoid feeding dried peaches to your pet dragon.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peach Fruit Skin
Peach fruit skin is not recommended for bearded dragons as it can be difficult for them to chew and poses a risk of choking. Additionally, the skin may have absorbed pesticides and other chemicals from farming practices, so it’s best to avoid feeding it to your pet. Stick to soft foods for your bearded dragon.
Can Bearded Dragon Eat the Peach Pit
It is not recommended to feed peach pits to a bearded dragon. The pit is too hard for them to eat and contains cyanide, which can be poisonous and even deadly for your dragon. Stick to feeding them the flesh of the peach instead.
Is It Safe for Bearded Dragons to Eat Peaches?
Peaches can be included in a bearded dragon’s diet, but should be given in moderate amounts to ensure their safety. Peaches are a good source of minerals and vitamins, and the high fiber content can aid in digestion and prevent constipation. However, it’s important to limit the amount of fruit given to your dragon. Peaches can be a great addition to a mixed salad of fruits and vegetables for your bearded dragon.
Can I Feed White Peaches to My Bearded Dragon?
It is not recommended to feed white peaches to your bearded dragon because they contain goitrogens, which can cause hormonal issues if consumed in excess. Peaches are also high in phosphorus, which can bind calcium and cause a deficiency if overfed.
Is It Important to Peel the Peaches Before Feeding the Bearded Dragon?
Remove peach skin before feeding your bearded dragon. Bearded dragons have weak teeth and jaw muscles, and it’s hard for them to chew through hard food. The skin of fruits, including peaches, is considered too thick for them to eat. If they eat the skin, it can cause damage to their jaw muscles and lead to digestion problems, constipation, and a depressed stomach.
How Can I Serve Peaches to My Bearded Dragon?
Only feed fresh peaches once a month, as too much sugar and improper mineral levels can cause health issues. Avoid canned peaches, which often contain preservatives and added sugar. Limit the serving size and mix the peach with foods high in pH and calcium, like kale and mustard greens. Prepare the peach by removing the core and cutting it into small pieces to mix with other food.
What Will Happen If Bearded Dragons Eat Too Many Peaches?
If bearded dragons eat too many peaches, they may become anxious and develop diarrhea due to the high sugar content. The excess sugar can also be stored in their body as fat, leading to weight gain and even obesity if sugary fruits are consistently fed to them. It’s important to feed your bearded dragon a balanced diet to avoid these issues.
In conclusion, while bearded dragons can eat peaches in moderation, it’s important to remember that they should not be a staple in their diet. As with any new food, introduce peaches slowly and monitor your pet for any adverse reactions.
With proper care and attention, your bearded dragon can enjoy a varied and healthy diet. So go ahead and offer them a peach as a special treat, but always remember to consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns. Happy feeding!