Bearded dragons are fascinating pets that come with a lot of curiosity. One of the most frequently asked questions about these lizards is whether or not they can swim. It’s essential for owners to know the answer to this question as it can determine whether or not they expose their pets to the risk of drowning.
In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about whether or not bearded dragons can swim, as well as factors such as water temperature, swimming duration, and safety protocols for swimming.
So, whether you’re a seasoned bearded dragon owner or thinking about adopting one, read this article carefully to make an informed decision about whether you should introduce your pet to the waters.

Can Bearded Dragons Swim
Yes, bearded dragons can swim! However, they can’t stay underwater for very long. Bearded dragons are from dry areas, but they can still navigate the water. They can float on water by inhaling air to stay inflated. But be careful, if a bearded dragon stays underwater for too long, it could drown.
How Do Bearded Dragons Swim
Bearded dragons are not aquatic creatures, but they have the ability to swim when necessary. Although they may not possess the physical abilities of other water-dwelling reptiles, they can still move through the water effectively. So, how do they manage to do it?
1. Air Inhalation
Bearded dragons cannot stay underwater for any extended period of time, forcing them to find another way to navigate waters. They use air inhalation to move on water with ease. When they inhale air, their body becomes buoyant, which makes it easier for them to float on the water’s surface.
2. Float
Floating is another technique that bearded dragons utilize to swim since they can’t remain submerged for long periods of time. The air inhaled makes it possible for them to stay on the water’s surface for an extended period without the risk of drowning. This keeps their head, which they use for breathing, outside the water.
3. Waving
Bearded dragons wave their limbs to generate enough energy to move through the water. With this motion, they can move through the water efficiently. This movement it makes is similar to the way a crocodile swims.
4. Body Placement
Unlike crocodiles that can dive deep underwater without any problems, bearded dragons cannot remain underwater since they could easily drown. When bearded dragons swim, their head remains above water, and their bodies stay submerged. This way, they can move through water safely while still being able to breathe by keeping their heads out of the water.
Can All Bearded Dragon Swim
Unlike humans, not all bearded dragons are alike. If your bearded dragon was caught from the wild, it’s less likely to have encountered an oasis in its natural habitat, which means it may not have the strength or willingness to swim. Be aware that these lizards are native to the Australian desert, not the ocean or other large bodies of water.
Each bearded dragon has a unique personality; some may enjoy swimming while others may dread it. However, in a survival situation, they’ll rely on their natural instincts to keep their heads above water.
If you’re interested in training your bearded dragon to swim, first set up a shallow water bowl that your pet can’t submerge in. Then make small ripples in the water with a dropper or straw to alert your bearded dragon of the water source.
In the sweltering heat of their habitat, bearded dragons seek refuge by burrowing into the ground. By giving them a water source, they can also cool off from the heat. After experiencing the water for a while, your bearded dragon might get used to the idea of swimming, but remember that not all lizards are destined to be natural swimmers.
Should I Let Bearded Dragons Take a Swim
Bearded dragons are not known for their swimming abilities, but they can swim for recreational purposes. If you plan on letting your beardy pals take a dip, there are factors to consider for their safety.
While there are benefits to bearded dragon swimming, it’s important to note that not all bearded dragons enjoy it. Pushing your pet to swim when they don’t want to could cause discomfort and stress, which may lead to negative health consequences.
It’s crucial to monitor your bearded dragon’s behavior before, during, and after their swim. Look out for stress signs like decreased activity levels, a lack of basking, scratching/clawing at their vivarium enclosure, and other signs of discomfort.
In addition to ensuring your bearded dragon’s safety, you should also consider the temperature and the source of water they will be swimming in. Water that is too cold or too hot could cause them to become ill or even die. Also, chemicals in chlorinated pools or untreated water could be harmful to your pet.
What Should You Consider Before Letting Bearded Dragons Take a Swim
Before letting your bearded dragon take a plunge, it’s important to bear in mind that not all water bodies are suitable for them. Here are some things you need to consider before allowing your bearded dragons to swim:
– Check for chemicals in the water. Be sure there are no harmful chemicals present in the water your bearded dragon will be swimming in.
– Chlorine is a no-no for your bearded dragons. Avoid letting them swim in chlorinated pools as it could be harmful to their health.
– Confirm the temperature of the water. Ensure to check the temperature of the water if it’s coming from a hose.
– Mind the water temperature. Extremely cold water could leave your bearded dragon feeling sick, so make sure the water temperature is ideal.
– The body of water doesn’t have to be enormous. A small kiddies pool, wide bowl, or sink is sufficient to create an aquatic environment for your bearded dragon.
– Supervision is essential. You must keep a close eye on your dragon to ensure they are healthy during their swim.
– Disinfect after swimming. After each swimming session, disinfecting the pool should be done to minimize the risk of bacteria and disease.
– Don’t use the swimming pool for anything else. If you’re using a bowl that your bearded dragon swims in, it should be used for nothing else. This is because reptile feces carry salmonella, which is harmful to humans even if the dragon seems fine.
By considering these factors, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for your bearded dragon.
Do Bearded Dragons Like To Swim
Bearded dragons have different personalities, and not all of them enjoy swimming, even if it is a natural behavior. Giving them access to water and monitoring their comfort level can help determine if your dragon likes to swim or not.
One way to ease your dragon into swimming is by placing a large water dish in their tank. This allows them to get used to water being around and may encourage them to take a dip. Regular baths, about 1-2 times a week, can also help your dragon get familiar with being in the water.
Regular baths are not only important for familiarizing your dragon with water, but they also have other benefits like proper hydration, skin shedding, bowel movements, and reducing the risk of infection. However, even if your dragon seems comfortable in the water, it’s important to monitor their stress levels and never force them to swim if they are not enjoying it.
While water activities are a good source of exercise for your dragon, not all bearded dragons like to swim or are comfortable with it. To ensure the safety and comfort of your dragon, it’s essential to monitor their behavior closely, provide them with access to water, and never force them to swim if they are stressed or uncomfortable.
Where Can Bearded Dragons Swim
Bearded dragons are capable swimmers, but as responsible owner, you need to consider their safety first. Not all bodies of water are safe for your dragon to swim in. Here are some places you should avoid when it comes to taking your bearded dragon for a swim:
1. The Sea and Fast-moving Rivers:
The sea and fast-moving rivers are not recommended for beardies to swim in. These types of water are too unpredictable and can be dangerous for your bearded dragon. You may also find an inadequate supply of fresh water in these places.
2. Saltwater Pools:
Saltwater pools are similar to the ocean and contain high salt levels. They can cause your bearded dragon to become too dry and dehydrated.
3. Avoid Saltwater:
Saltwater from the ocean is also not safe for your bearded dragon as it can cause dehydration and other health issues.
4. Chlorinated Pools:
Chlorinated pools may be perfectly fine for humans but not for bearded dragons. Chlorine in the pool water can cause your dragon’s skin to dry out and lead to health problems. It is also harmful if your dragon tries to drink the water.
It is important to note that not all swimming pools are dangerous for your bearded dragon. As long as the pool is not filled with harmful chemicals, it is generally safe for your dragon to swim in. However, to be on the safe side, always keep a close eye on your dragon while swimming.
How to Provide a Safe Swimming Area
Expert Tips for Providing a Safe Swimming Area for Your Bearded Dragon
1: Opt for a Small Paddling Pool
As bearded dragons are known to enjoy swimming, it is an excellent form of exercise for them. To ensure your pet doesn’t put on too much weight, consider purchasing a small, foldable paddling pool. This also allows for easy storage, which is a plus.
2: Treat the Water
It’s crucial to use a specific water conditioner to eliminate chloramines and detoxify ammonia, ensuring that the water is safe for your beardie to swim in.
3: Check the Water Temperature
Bearded dragons are cold-blooded, which means the water temperature must be no colder than room temperature, preferably slightly warm. If the water is too cold, your beardie could become lethargic, tired, and potentially drown.
4: Always Supervise Your Bearded Dragon
It goes without saying, but always keep an eye on your bearded dragon while they’re swimming. Never leave them unattended as they could potentially escape and be lost or become fatigued while swimming and drown.
5: Provide a Floatie
In some instances, your bearded dragon may prefer to bob about on the surface of the water. In this case, a floatie could provide a great solution. They are not only affordable but also present excellent photo opportunities.
By following these tips, you can help your bearded dragon enjoy a safe and fun swimming experience!
Setting up a Swim Gym
Creating a swim gym for your bearded dragon is a fun and easy way to provide them with environmental stimulation and exercise. A large container or bathtub can be utilized to create a swim gym, and if the bath has a gentle jet stream or spa functionality, it is even better.
Fill the container or bath with water that is deep enough to allow your bearded dragon to swim, and make sure the water temperature is at least tepid or slightly warmer. Consider adding rocks, branches or other objects to create little islands within the water to encourage exploration. If there is a gentle jet available, turning it on can provide added interest for your bearded dragon.
An alternative to using a container or bathtub is a small pond located near a sunny spot. Adding a few objects to make it easy for your bearded dragon to enter and exit the pond is all that is needed to turn it into a swim gym.
Creating a swim gym allows your bearded dragon to engage in exercise and environmental stimulation in a safe and controlled environment. It is also a great alternative to using a small paddling pool and can provide your bearded dragon with a unique experience. Remember to always monitor your pet while swimming and make sure the water temperature is suitable for their needs.
5 Reasons to Give a Bearded Dragon a Swim Gym
Discover the top five reasons why giving your bearded dragon a swim gym is beneficial for their health and well-being:
– Shedding Aid: Regular swimming sessions can aid in the shedding process, which can be particularly challenging for bearded dragons. Moisture helps to soften the old skin, making it easier for them to shed. Swimming in a controlled environment can help to prevent infection caused by retained skin, contributing to your pet’s good health.
– Environmental Stimulation: Bearded dragons are curious creatures and love to explore their surroundings. Providing a swim gym with rocks, branches, and other objects can create an environment that encourages curiosity and exploration. This type of stimulation is important for your pet’s overall mental health and well-being.
– Activity and Exercise: Swimming is a great activity for bearded dragons, as it provides a low-impact cardio workout that helps improve bone development and muscle tone. Regular exercise can also prevent them from becoming overweight, contributing to a longer and healthier life.
– Hydration: Bearded dragons require access to clean water for hydration, and swimming in a controlled environment can help ensure they stay hydrated. Moreover, a swim gym can be equipped with a reptile-safe water conditioner to remove chlorine and other impurities.
– Encourages Bowel Movements: Bearded dragons are prone to impactions, which is a blockage of the digestive system. Swimming can help stimulate bowel movements, helping to prevent impactions from occurring.
Can Bearded Dragons Swim in Tap Water
When it comes to using tap water for bearded dragons, there is no definitive scientific study on the effects of tap water on these reptiles. However, many bearded dragon owners have successfully used tap water without any reported harm.
Be aware that the levels of chemicals in tap water vary from region to region and even between countries. This means it’s important to remain vigilant about the quality and safety of your tap water. Some owners opt to use a reptile-safe water conditioner to reduce any potential risks associated with tap water.
If you’re unsure about your tap water quality, it’s worth having it tested for chlorine levels or other chemicals that could be harmful to your bearded dragon. By taking steps to ensure the safety of your pet, you can provide opportunities for them to swim and stay hydrated without any unnecessary risks or harm.
Can Bearded Dragons Swim in a Pool
Bearded dragons are capable of swimming in the pool, but it is not recommended. Pools are heavily chlorinated to disinfect the water and prevent bacterial growth, which can cause irritation to the eyes and strip the skin and hair of oils in humans. This could also possibly dry out a bearded dragon’s skin and cause them to drink the water. Even lightly chlorinated water is not ideal and should be avoided to ensure the health of your bearded dragon.
Aside from the potential impact of chlorine, swimming in a pool can cause undue stress for bearded dragons. Pools are much larger bodies of water than what bearded dragons are used to in their natural habitat. Consequently, swimming in pools may evoke a stressful response even without any visible sign of stress to human observers.
Can Baby Bearded Dragons Swim
When it comes to swimming, baby bearded dragons are just as capable as their adult counterparts. It’s important to create a safe environment for them to swim in, and provide plenty of branches and rocks for them to feel secure. Age is not as relevant as the conditions they swim in, so it’s crucial to ensure that the water temperature is appropriate and that they are under constant supervision.
One ideal option for baby bearded dragons to swim in is a swim gym. Not only does it provide them with a safe and stimulating environment to swim in, but it also helps to build their confidence and muscle development.
Supervision is key during swim time to ensure they do not exert too much energy and always have access to haul-outs. It’s equally important to keep the water temperature at an appropriate level to prevent any health problems.
Do Bearded Dragons Swim in the Wild
Bearded dragons are native to arid deserts and woodlands, where natural springs and streams can be found. Although not as frequently as other reptiles, bearded dragons have been known to swim when required. They can inflate their bodies and float, making it possible for them to take advantage of the water sources they find in their wild habitat. While still water is not visible to them, they have developed a sensitivity to the movements of the water surface, which helps them locate water sources with ease.
The water-loving Australian water dragon is a contrast to the bearded dragon when it comes to swimming behavior. It can often be found frolicking in and around streams. While bearded dragons are not fond of the water like other lizard species, they do swim occasionally in the wild and can do so in captivity as well. Whether swimming in their natural habitat or a pet’s enclosure, it is essential to maintain the proper water temperature and maintain a safe swimming environment.
One advantage of occasional swimming for bearded dragons is environmental stimulation, which can enhance their bodily functions and provide mental arousal. However, improper swimming behavior or extended periods in chlorinated or cold water can lead to risks like the danger of drowning and bone development issues. Owners should supervise their beardies’ swimming activities and provide them only with reptile-safe water sources while making sure the water is not too deep.
In the wild, bearded dragons take advantage of safe water sources by inhaling air and floating, after which they can swim around with a quick flick of their long tails. The parietal eye on top of their heads helps them keep watch for potential predators, alerting them to danger so they can either dart for cover or make a dive for the bottom of the water.
Is Swimming Good for Bearded Dragons
Swimming provides a range of benefits to bearded dragons, both in the wild and in captivity. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why.
1. Hydration
One of the significant advantages of swimming for bearded dragons is hydration. It replenishes the moisture lost from their body, which can help with shedding, among other things. Swimming acts as an effective way to ensure that your precious pet is well-hydrated.
2. Shedding
Shedding can be a frustrating time for bearded dragons, making them look dull and flaky. To help with shedding, you can try adjusting the humidity levels in their enclosure. However, if their scales still appear rough and unkempt, a quick swim can do the trick. Swimming provides the extra hydration needed for your dragon’s scales to stay healthy.
3. Bowel Movements
Swimming triggers bowel movements in bearded dragons. As their body absorbs water in the swimming pool, the water makes its way to their gastrointestinal tract. This helps soften their stool and ensures a smooth bowel movement. Proper bowel movements are important for our bearded dragon’s overall health.
4. Enrichment
Swimming also acts as a form of enrichment for bearded dragons. You can allow them to swim now and then to change their routine and to provide an environment outside their enclosure. They get to experience something different, and in the process, they engage their mind and strengthen new muscles.
How Deep Should the Water Be For a Bearded Dragon to Swim Safely
When it comes to determining the ideal water depth for your bearded dragon’s swim, your primary focus should be on their safety. Although it may be tempting to make the water as deep as possible to see your beardie in action, this can pose a potential hazard.
To protect your bearded dragon, it’s best not to allow the water to go any deeper than their elbows or knees. At this depth, they can still swim but also have the option of walking around if necessary. This ensures that they can comfortably manage the water depth.
Even if your bearded dragon enjoys swimming, it’s essential to keep the water depth at a level they can manage. Remember that they aren’t Australian water dragons, and it’s better to err on the side of caution.
The elbow/knee height is the safest depth for beardie swims, as beardies can lift their legs and float if they choose, or they can extend their legs and walk to prevent accidents. So while it may not be quite as exciting as watching them float around the surface, keeping your beardie safe should be your top priority.
Can Bearded Dragons Swim Underwater
As an expert in the care of bearded dragons, you may be curious if your pet can swim underwater. Like most reptiles, bearded dragons have the capacity to hold their breath for long periods of time. This means that, yes, they are capable of swimming underwater. However, it is not recommended to force this behavior and underwater swimming should be monitored closely.
Bearded dragons have a natural ability to recognize danger and sometimes may submerge themselves to avoid it. This tactic is advantageous in the wild but can cause distress for a pet owner when monitoring their underwater activity. Unfortunately, it is difficult to put an exact number on how long a bearded dragon can hold its breath underwater, but generally, if the water temperature is correct, your pet is likely fine.
It is important to remember that underwater swimming can be stressful to your pet if it is forced, literally making them sink or swim. It is similar to how you would feel if you were unexpectedly thrown into a pool. Keep a close eye on their activity level while they swim and always monitor the water depth, making sure that it is safe and not too deep for your bearded dragon.
If you notice that your bearded dragon has been underwater for a prolonged period of time, it is best to contact your veterinarian to ensure their safety. Remember, while they have the capacity to swim and hold their breath underwater, it is important to prioritize their safety and well-being.
Can Bearded Dragons Swim in Cold Water
As ectothermic animals, bearded dragons rely on the temperature of their environment to regulate their body temperature. This means that swimming in cold water can pose serious risks to their health. Reptiles become progressively less mobile in colder environments, which could impede their swimming ability and increase the risk of drowning.
While bearded dragons can swim in cool water on hot days, it’s important to be mindful of necessary precautions. If the water is too cold, it’s best to avoid having them swim, especially if they have eaten recently. Even in warm water, it’s crucial to limit their exposure to prevent their body temperature from dropping too much. After swimming, provide them with ample time in warm sunlight to gradually warm up their body temperature and prevent any potential harm.
What Temperature Should the Water Be For a Bearded Dragon to Swim
Bearded dragons are ectothermic, which means their internal temperature depends on their external surroundings, including the water temperature they’re swimming in. That’s why it’s essential to ensure that the water temperature is safe for them to swim. Using a thermometer will come in handy when setting up a pool for your bearded dragon’s swim.
To make sure your bearded dragon swims in a safe environment, the water temperature should be on the warm side of lukewarm or approximately 80F (26.6C). Although this is just a guideline, regular use of a thermometer can help ensure that the temperature is optimal for your bearded dragon’s safety.
Keeping in mind that the well-being of your bearded dragon is paramount, always adjust the water temperature according to their comfort level. By monitoring their body language and reactions in the water, you can ensure that they are enjoying their swim time without any discomfort. As an ectothermic animal, a bearded dragon’s body temperature can also fluctuate with the time of day, so be cautious when swimming them near dawn or dusk, as the water may be too cold for them.
How Long Should I Allow My Bearded Dragon to Swim For
Watching your bearded dragon swim through water is a charming sight, but it’s important to know how long your pet should swim. To prevent fatigue, keep swimming sessions short and sweet, lasting no longer than 10-15 minutes. This provides enough time for them to enjoy their time in the water without using up too much of their energy.
Even if they love swimming and spend the whole time afloat, it’s best to stick to the recommended time limit. This guideline applies to both baby and adult bearded dragons. Remember, these animals are not aquatic, and in the wild, their forays into the water are usually brief.
If you exceed the 10-15 minutes limit, it can leave your dragon exhausted, leading to unwanted health problems. So, be sure to watch the time closely and wrap up your swim sessions within the appropriate duration.
Swimming can be an excellent way to keep your bearded dragon hydrated and stimulated, but it’s important to use appropriate water temperature and a floatie. Keep the water warm and safe with a thermometer, and ensure your dragon has a floatie if they need it.
It’s also best to limit swim sessions to a maximum of three times per week. This frequency provides a healthy balance and the opportunity for your dragon to swim enough without getting excessive. Therefore, stick to the correct duration and frequency, monitor your bearded dragon’s energy and watch out for consequences of swimming too long.
Can Bearded Dragons Drown
As much as we want to see our bearded dragons swim underwater, we can’t help but worry about the risk of them drowning. And the truth is, they can drown just like any other animal if they’re not provided with a safe swimming environment. It’s important to note that bearded dragons need to breathe air, and if too much water enters their lungs, they can drown.
One of the common drowning risks for bearded dragons is exhaustion. Swimming actively makes them use their muscles, which requires resources from their body. If they don’t have a way to crawl out and rest, they can become slowly slower, swallow water, and eventually become exhausted. This can lead to a risky health issue, especially if you go beyond the recommended swimming duration limit of 15 minutes.
Another cause of drowning is breath-holding. Bearded dragons can hold their breath for some time, but they need air to breathe. If they become chilled in deep water and cannot exit the water, they can drown. It’s vital to monitor your pet carefully while they are in the water to ensure they don’t sink.
It’s crucial to provide your bearded dragon with a safe swimming environment, including a shallow and suitable depth of lukewarm water, and supervise them closely. Additionally, make sure they have a way to rest if they become exhausted.
How Often Should I Allow My Bearded Dragon to Swim
It may be tempting to let your bearded dragon swim all the time, but it’s important to remember that they are not aquatic animals. While they do enjoy a good swim, too much swimming can lead to exhaustion or even drowning. It’s important to monitor their behavior closely during swimming sessions to ensure their safety.
Bathing your bearded dragon is essential for their hygiene, but a bath and a swim are not the same thing. If you want to incorporate swimming sessions into your routine, every other week is a reasonable frequency to maintain. This will help keep your beardie hydrated without overexposing them to water.
When allowing your bearded dragon to swim, make sure that the water temperature is appropriate and that they are not left unattended for extended periods. Remember that overexertion can lead to exhaustion and even drowning. Keep swimming sessions short, and provide them with a safe way to rest if necessary.
Can Bearded Dragons Swim in a Bathtub
When it comes to providing your bearded dragon with a place to swim, it’s best to avoid using a bathtub. While bathtubs may seem like a convenient option, they are not suitable for several reasons. First and foremost, the high, slick sides of a bathtub can make it difficult for your bearded dragon to climb out. This can be dangerous, as your pet may become panicked if they can’t get out of the water.
In addition to the risks associated with the physical attributes of a bathtub, there is also the issue of hygiene to consider. Bearded dragons often have bowel movements when they swim, and this can pose a risk of Salmonella contamination. While it is possible to disinfect the bathtub after each use, the risk of transmission to other household members is still present.
So, what are some alternatives to using a bathtub as a swimming pool for your bearded dragon? Outdoor options, such as a small kiddie pool, can be a great solution. If you choose to use an outdoor pool, make sure to provide shade and monitor the water temperature to ensure your bearded dragon does not become overheated.
When using any type of swimming pool for your bearded dragon, it’s important to treat the water properly. Use reptile-safe water conditioner to remove chlorine and other chemicals that could be harmful to your pet. Additionally, make sure to provide your bearded dragon with a way to climb out of the water easily, such as a branch or rock.
Can Bearded Dragons Swim in Saltwater
Are you considering letting your bearded dragon take a dip in your saltwater pool? Well, don’t. Bearded dragons should never swim in saltwater due to the risks it poses to their health. As they swim, they tend to drink water, and saltwater is not suitable for their bodies because they cannot handle excess sodium, which can cause an imbalance in their system, making them very ill, and resulting in hefty vet bills.
The amount of salt in the water can also cause dehydration and exhaustion in bearded dragons. Similar to humans, when exposed to saltwater for a prolonged period, they can also experience a loss of body moisture, leading to heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. As your beardie goes about paddling in the water, they become increasingly thirsty and continue to drink the saltwater to quench their thirst. This, in turn, builds up excessive amounts of sodium in their bodies, which can be life-threatening.
To avoid these risks, it’s best to provide safe swimming areas for your bearded dragon, such as a paddling pool, and ensure that it is filled with reptile-safe water conditioner and freshwater. Never take the risk of exposing your bearded dragon to saltwater, as it is not worth the damage it could do to their health.
Can Bearded Dragons Swim in the Ocean
As much as you may want to take your bearded dragon for an ocean swim, it’s not recommended. Even for a tiny swim, the ocean has the same risks as any saltwater source. Bearded dragons can’t drink saltwater, and the ocean’s rough conditions will leave them struggling to stay afloat, leading to exhaustion and even drowning.
Even in a cove, waves can pose a danger to your bearded dragon. They lack the ability to cope with the surf and will become exhausted in no time. With no proper haul-outs for them to escape the water, they’ll be stuck in a hazardous environment where salt and water conditions can be deadly.
It’s never a good idea to allow your beardie to swim in the ocean, even if you brought them to the shore for a trip. Leave them in their enclosure, and they’ll be fine missing a swimming excursion. It’s much better than the alternative.
However, that doesn’t mean your bearded dragon can’t swim in other places. If they enjoy swimming, it’s a great enrichment activity that you can provide. You can create a safe swimming area for your lizard, such as a paddling pool, and ensure that the water is filled with reptile-safe water conditioner.
To sum it up, never take your bearded dragon for a swim in the ocean due to the dangers of saltwater and risk of drowning. Instead, opt for alternative options like creating a safe swimming area with fresh water and reptile-safe water conditioner.
In conclusion, bearded dragons are able to swim, but it’s important to note that not all of them enjoy it. As a bearded dragon owner, it’s crucial to ensure that the water temperature is suitable and not too cold or deep for them to swim safely. By providing shallow and lukewarm water, you can provide your bearded dragon with a fun activity and environmental stimulation.
However, it’s important to be cautious when allowing your bearded dragon to swim and not to leave them unattended for extended periods as there is a risk of drowning. Ultimately, this article can serve as a helpful guide for beardie owners to better understand how their pets can interact with water and ensure their safety while doing so.