Bearded dragons are fascinating pets to keep, and their diet has a significant impact on their internal health. As a bearded dragon owner, it’s essential to know which vegetables and fruits can be incorporated into their diet.
In this article, we will discuss whether bearded dragons can eat brussels sprouts. We will cover the nutritional benefits of the vegetable, the calcium to phosphorus ratio, and how much of it should be fed to your bearded dragon.
By reading this article, you will gain a better understanding of what constitutes a healthy bearded dragon diet and how to avoid health issues like metabolic bone disease, digestive concerns, and kidney stones.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Brussels Sprouts
Bearded dragons can eat Brussels sprouts, but only in moderation and as a periodic treat. It’s vital to keep the amount small to ensure they don’t experience digestive issues. Brussels sprouts can be a tasty addition to their diet, especially if they already enjoy other cruciferous veggies like broccoli or mustard greens.
So, you can add a little quantity of Brussels sprouts to your dragon’s salad or offer them as an occasional treat if they like.
Nutritional Content of Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts are a safe addition to your bearded dragon’s diet. They are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which are essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
Brussel sprouts are low in energy, high in carbohydrates, and contain minimal sugar. They are also a good source of protein and vitamin A equiv. However, their most notable contributions are vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and water.
Vitamin C plays a crucial role in boosting your dragon’s immune system, while calcium and phosphorus are necessary for preventing metabolic bone disease and promoting strong bones. The water content in brussel sprouts helps with hydration and digestion.
The nutritional content of Brussel Sprouts per 100g
Name | Amount | Unit |
Energy | 179 | kcal |
Carbohydrates | 8.95 | g |
Sugar | 2.2 | g |
Protein | 3.48 | g |
Vitamin A equiv. | 38 | μg |
Vitamin C | 85 | mg |
Calcium | 42 | mg |
Phosphorus | 69 | mg |
Water | 86 | g |
Source: US Department of Agriculture
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Brussels Sprouts Every Day
It’s not recommended to feed your bearded dragon Brussels sprouts every day due to some nutritional factors that can pose risks to their internal health.
Brussels sprouts contain a high amount of phosphorus compared to calcium, which can lead to calcium deficiency if your bearded dragon consumes too much. This deficiency can cause metabolic bone disease, which can severely impact your bearded dragon’s health and well-being.
Additionally, Brussels sprouts contain oxalic acid, which works similarly to phosphorus and can also prevent calcium absorption. Because of this, it’s crucial to ensure that your bearded dragon’s diet is varied and includes a range of vegetables and leafy greens to facilitate optimal nutrition.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Brussels Sprouts
When it comes to feeding your bearded dragon, it’s important to be mindful of their diet and nutritional needs. While brussels sprouts are known for being a highly nutritious green for people, they can pose some risks for your dragon. Therefore, it’s recommended to offer brussels sprouts every couple of weeks or even once a month, taking into consideration what else your dragon is eating regularly.
As a responsible dragon keeper, it’s crucial to keep in mind the potential risks associated with feeding your dragon certain vegetables. Brussels sprouts are known to have oxalic acids that could result in digestive issues and interfere with calcium absorption, leading to metabolic bone disease. Thus, it’s suggested to follow the feeding guidelines carefully and avoid overfeeding your pet with brussels sprouts alone.
Are Brussel Sprouts Safe For Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons can eat brussel sprouts, but like with other foods, it is important to give them in appropriate amounts. Brussel sprouts contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are beneficial in maintaining the internal health of your dragon. However, it is also important to understand the potential risks associated with feeding these vegetables.
Feeding brussel sprouts in excess may cause digestive issues that can make your dragon sick. Therefore, it is recommended to give brussel sprouts occasionally as a treat. Some bearded dragon owners also suggest steaming or boiling the brussel sprouts before feeding them to their dragons to make digestion easier.
Additionally, brussel sprouts contain oxalic acids, which can bind with calcium and hinder its absorption. This may lead to metabolic bone disease and other health issues in your dragon. Therefore, it is essential to maintain an appropriate calcium to phosphorus ratio in their diet and to give them enough calcium supplements to prevent any disproportionate calcium levels.
How Many Brussels Sprouts Can Bearded Dragons Eat
To ensure the health of your bearded dragon, it is recommended to feed them only ONE OR TWO Brussels sprouts per month. While these veggies provide some nutritional value, they lack in phosphorus ratio and can even pose some health risks to your dragon, like metabolic bone disease.
Some bearded dragon owners prefer to avoid Brussels sprouts entirely due to their potential to cause health issues. If you do decide to feed your dragon some Brussels sprouts, it’s important to follow this specific guideline to avoid any harm to your pet.
How To Prepare Brussels Sprouts For Your Bearded Dragon
Preparing Brussels sprouts for your bearded dragon is a straightforward process that starts with ensuring you have an organic option. Rinse them thoroughly before quickly cooking them or finely chopping them raw to avoid any digestive issues. Here’s how to prepare Brussels sprouts for your bearded dragon:
– Wash the Brussels sprouts thoroughly, to remove any dirt or debris that may be harmful to your bearded dragon.
– Rinse them with water to ensure that they are completely clean.
– Finely chop the Brussels sprouts to ensure that your bearded dragon can easily eat them and to prevent any choking hazards.
– You can feed the Brussels sprouts raw or quickly cook them. Raw Brussels sprouts are a fantastic option for getting your dragon used to trying new foods, while cooked Brussels sprouts can be an occasional treat.
– If you’re going to cook the Brussels sprouts, ensure that they’re boiled, steamed, or microwaved. You should avoid frying or baking to prevent the concentration of oxalic acids that can harm your dragon’s digestive system.
Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts for Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons require a varied and healthy diet to maintain their internal health. Offering occasional treats like Brussels sprouts can provide several nutritional benefits for these reptiles.
1. Antioxidants
Brussels sprouts have antioxidant properties, which are essential for maintaining the cells’ health and protecting them against damage. Vitamin C, E, and selenium are some of the essential antioxidants present in Brussels sprouts that contribute significantly to the bearded dragon’s immune system.
2. Vitamin K
Bearded dragons require Vitamin K for blood clotting. Brussels sprouts are a good source of Vitamin K, which can aid in preventing any blood-related issues and promoting your pet’s health.
3. Vitamin C
Boosting the immune system is crucial for any pet to lead a healthy life. Vitamin C, found in Brussels sprouts, can help your bearded dragon stay healthy and eventually prevent them from getting sick. Moreover, it also aids in healing wounds and keeping the bearded dragon’s skin healthy.
4. Fiber
Brussels sprouts are a good source of fiber. It can help bearded dragons regulate their digestive system and prevent any digestive issues, making it a vital nutrient to include in their diet.
5. Low Fat
It’s critical to maintain a proper calcium to phosphorus ratio for bone development in bearded dragons. Brussels sprouts are low in fats, making them an excellent food option to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of obesity, which can lead to several health issues.
Risks of Feeding Brussels Sprouts to Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons are interesting pets, and as a pet owner, you’re always looking for ways to make them happy. While Brussels sprouts may seem like an excellent treat to add to a variety of vegetables that you already feed, they might pose some risks to your beardies’ health.
1. Too Much Phosphorus
Brussels sprouts contain a relatively high level of phosphorus, which can inhibit calcium absorption. While phosphorus is essential for bearded dragons, consuming too much of them can cause health issues. Too much phosphorus leads to the formation of metabolic bone disease and can cause digestive problems.
To prevent this, it’s crucial to feed them a balanced diet that consists of a variety of vegetables, fruits, and insects in appropriate proportions. If you decide to feed them Brussels sprouts, make sure to give them a little treat only to maintain phosphorus levels in bearded dragons.
2. Oxalic Acid
Bearded dragons that consume high oxalic acid from Brussels sprouts could have severe consequences on their health. Oxalic acid binds with calcium, making it difficult for bearded dragons’ bodies to absorb calcium, which is vital for strong bones.
Additionally, oxalic acid accumulation in the body can cause kidney stones in bearded dragons, leading to other urinary problems. Thus, it’s essential to feed Brussels sprouts in moderation as per the veterinarian’s advice to determine the optimal diet for your bearded dragons.
3. Goitrogens
Goitrogens in Brussels sprouts can interfere with thyroid function in bearded dragons. This means when your furry friend consumes too many Brussels sprouts, goitrogens interfere with iodine absorption essential for thyroid hormone production.
When thyroid function is disrupted, metabolic, growth and reproductive issues may arise. Bearded dragons may get lethargy, weight loss, poor appetite, constipation, and abnormal growth as a sign of thyroid dysfunction. Therefore, it’s crucial to feed Brussels sprouts in moderate amounts and consult a veterinarian on the required diet for your beardies.
4. Digestive Issues
Brussels sprouts are rich in fiber, which might cause bearded dragons digestive issues if provided in quantities surpassing the required limit.
The excess feed of Brussels sprouts leads to gas, bloating, constipation, and impaction affecting the bearded dragons’ bowel movements and digestion. Moreover, over-dependence on Brussels sprouts might lead to malnutrition. Therefore, feeding your dragons a balanced diet that consists of a variety of vegetables is essential.
5. Pesticides
Pesticides have become an issue affecting the safety of vegetables that bearded dragons feed on. Brussels sprouts products may have chemicals that bearded dragons react to differently which can lead to respiratory, digestive, and neurological problems.
To reduce or eliminate the risk of pesticide ingestion, pet owners are advised to wash vegetables thoroughly before feeding their bearded dragons. Using organic produce would decrease pesticide ingestion in your bearded dragons.
How To Feed Brussel Sprouts To Bearded Dragons
To introduce Brussels sprouts into your bearded dragon’s diet, it’s important to start by washing them thoroughly. After that, chop them into small pieces and mix them with other vegetables and fruits to create a balanced salad.
Your bearded dragon may initially be hesitant to try Brussels sprouts, so it’s best to start with a small amount and monitor their reaction. Gradually increase the amount of Brussels sprouts you offer if your dragon shows an interest in them but be careful not to overdo it.
Since Brussels sprouts contain goitrogens and can be difficult to digest, it is important to feed them in moderation as part of a varied diet made up of other types of vegetables, fruits, and insects. Be aware that your bearded dragon may not eat all the Brussels sprouts you offer, so it’s important to remove any uneaten food promptly to keep their enclosure clean.
Finally, it’s crucial to monitor your bearded dragon’s behavior and health after adding Brussels sprouts to their diet. If your dragon shows any signs of digestive issues or other health problems, it may be best to avoid feeding them Brussels sprouts in the future.
Can Baby Bearded Dragon Eat Brussels Sprouts
When it comes to feeding a baby bearded dragon, it’s important to be cautious and mindful of their diet. While Brussels sprouts can be a safe option, it’s best to only offer it on an occasional basis in small pieces.
As baby bearded dragons are much smaller and have a lower tolerance for negative minerals, it’s important to take precautions when including new vegetables in their diet. While Brussels sprouts are high in calcium, it’s important to balance it out with alternative vegetables that may have different nutritional benefits.
Although treats can be tempting, it’s recommended to avoid them as much as possible until your baby bearded dragon is fully grown. This will ensure their internal health is maintained and prevent any potential health issues that may arise from a disproportionate calcium to phosphorus ratio.
Alternatives to Brussels Sprouts for Bearded Dragons
While Brussels sprouts may be safe for bearded dragons in limited amounts, there are better options available. Some vegetables can offer greater benefits for your pet’s health and internal functions. Below are some excellent alternatives to Brussels sprouts that you may consider adding to your bearded dragon’s diet:
1. Dark Leafy Greens
Offer your bearded dragon a variety of dark leafy greens, such as kale, collards, and spinach. These vegetables are low in oxalic acids and have higher amounts of calcium, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that your bearded dragon needs.
2. Turnip Greens and Mustard Greens
Turnip greens and mustard greens are also great options for bearded dragons. They are low in phosphorus and high in calcium, making them an excellent source of this important mineral.
3. Beet Greens
Beet greens are another nutritious option that bearded dragons enjoy. They are high in beta-carotene, an essential nutrient that helps improve the immune system, boost eyesight, and maintain healthy skin.
4. Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is a healthy vegetable that provides several benefits to the bearded dragon’s diet. It contains high amounts of Vitamin A, a nutrient that helps maintain healthy eyesight and improves the metabolic processes of your pet.
5. Citrus Fruits
Bearded dragons can occasionally consume some citrus fruits, like oranges and tangerines. They contain Vitamin C in higher amounts, which helps in recovering from diseases and maintaining a healthy internal system.
Remember to always provide your bearded dragon with a healthy and balanced diet, including a variety of vegetables that offer different nutritional benefits and a healthy source of calcium. Consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your bearded dragon’s diet or behavior.
Are Brussels Sprouts Toxic to Beardies?
Bearded dragons can eat Brussels sprouts without any risk of toxicity. These sprouts contain essential nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, and minerals that can be beneficial for your pet’s health. However, they also have high levels of phosphorus, which can lead to an unfavorable calcium to phosphorus ratio. Therefore, offer Brussels sprouts to your beardie in moderation as an occasional treat, and make sure to balance their diet with calcium-rich foods for strong bones and internal health.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cooked Brussel Sprouts?
While cooked Brussels sprouts aren’t inherently harmful to your bearded dragon, using oil, butter, or seasoning in the cooking process can be detrimental to their health. Boiling Brussels sprouts can also increase water content, so be mindful of how much your lizard is drinking. Raw vegetables are typically a better option to avoid these potential issues.
Can Bearded Dragons Have Frozen Brussels Sprouts?
Feeding bearded dragons frozen Brussels sprouts is not advised due to potential digestive issues. Consumption of frozen vegetables may also lead to stomach upsets. It is recommended to cook Brussels sprouts before offering them to your bearded dragon.
In conclusion, this article aims to shed light on the question “Can bearded dragons eat Brussels sprouts?” While Brussels sprouts are a healthy vegetable, it is essential to understand the potential risks associated with feeding them to your bearded dragon.
This article provides insight into the nutritional benefits and health issues that come with feeding bearded dragons Brussels sprouts. Bearded dragon owners should keep in mind the calcium to phosphorus ratio, vitamin C, and oxalic acid levels when offering vegetables to their pets.
By following the rule of thumb and offering a variety of vegetables, bearded dragons can enjoy a healthy and balanced diet and lead a happy life with their keeper.