Bearded dragons are considered omnivores and require a balanced diet for optimal health. As a responsible pet owner, it’s important to know what foods are safe and healthy for your bearded dragon to eat.
One food that many bearded dragon owners wonder about is bell peppers. In this article, we’ll explore whether or not bearded dragons can eat bell peppers and if they provide any nutritional benefits.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are safe for bearded dragons to consume, but it is recommended to limit their intake. Bell peppers contain vitamins and minerals that are good for bearded dragons, but they don’t have much calcium, so they should be fed as part of a balanced diet with other staple greens.
Are Bell Peppers Good for Bearded Dragons
Bell peppers are safe for bearded dragons to eat. They contain essential nutrients like vitamin C and beta-carotene, which can help keep your pet healthy. Just make sure to remove the seeds and stem before feeding them to your dragon.
Nutrition Supplement | Health Benefits |
Vitamin K | Promotes bone health and prevents blood clots. |
Vitamin E | Promotes cell repair and prevents inflammation. |
Potassium | Enhances heart health. |
Antioxidants | Promote strong body immunity, aiding digestion and preventing inflammation. |
Vitamin B6 | Stimulates red blood cell creation. |
Folate | Enhances muscle health. |
Vitamin C & A | Enhances reproduction, growth, eye health, and immunity. |
However, because they contain a high percentage of water (92%), it’s important not to overfeed your bearded dragon with these vegetables to prevent overhydration.
Nutritional Value of Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are a nutritious addition to a bearded dragon’s diet. They contain vitamins A, C, B6, E, and K, minerals like folate and potassium, antioxidants, and a high water content that can help with hydration. However, too much bell pepper can cause diarrhea, so it’s important to feed them in moderation.
Check out the nutritional data for bell peppers below. The data is taken from the US Department Of Agriculture.
Nutritional Information Of Bell Peppers Per 100g
Note: We Have Included The Most Relevant Nutritional Information Only
Name | Amount | Unit |
Water | 92.21 | g |
Energy | 26 | Kcal |
Protein | 0.99 | g |
Total lipid (fat) | 0.3 | g |
Carbohydrate, by difference | 6.03 | g |
Fiber | 2.1 | g |
Sugars | 4.2 | g |
Calcium, Ca | 7 | mg |
Phosphorus, P | 26 | mg |
Sodium, Na | 4 | mg |
Vitamin C | 127.7 | mg |
Iron, Fe | 0.43 | mg |
Vitamin D (D2+3) | 0 | µg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.291 | mg |
Vitamin A | 157 | µg |
Vitamin E | 1.58 | mg |
Vitamin K | 4.9 | µg |
Benefits of Feeding Bell Peppers to Bearded Dragons
Bell peppers can be a great addition to your bearded dragon’s diet, as they contain essential nutrients that can benefit their overall health.
1. Vitamins
Bell peppers are rich in vitamins A, C, B6, E, and K, which are crucial for your pet’s growth and development. These vitamins support healthy skin, eyesight, and immune function, among other benefits.
2. Minerals
In addition to vitamins, bell peppers also contain minerals such as folate and potassium. These minerals are important for strong bones, muscles, and overall health.
3. Antioxidants
Bell peppers are a great source of antioxidants, which can help support your bearded dragon’s immune system and promote healthy digestion.
4. Water Content
Bell peppers have a high water content that may provide hydration for bearded dragons. Red bell peppers have the highest water content, at 92%. However, it’s important not to over-hydrate with bell peppers, as this can lead to diarrhea in bearded dragons.
Risks of Feeding Bell Peppers for Bearded Dragons
While bell peppers offer some benefits for bearded dragons, they should not be given as a staple in their diet. Here are some reasons why:
1. Lack of Calcium
Bell peppers are not a good source of calcium, which is essential for bearded dragons. They should be given staple vegetables that provide enough calcium.
2. Poor Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio
Bell peppers have more phosphorus than calcium, which can lead to metabolic bone disease (MBD) in bearded dragons. MBD is painful and debilitating, but it can be prevented with proper diet and calcium supplementation.
3. Vitamin A Toxicity
Bell peppers are high in Vitamin A, which is important for bearded dragons, but too much can lead to hypervitaminosis A. It is important to consider the potential risks associated with Vitamin A supplements or a diet high in Vitamin A for bearded dragons, although it is not a common concern. Limiting peppers or consulting with a veterinarian is recommended in this case.
4. Over Hydration
Feeding your bearded dragon foods with high water content, like red capsicums, can also lead to dehydration. This is because excess water in the body can cause diarrhea, which can then flush out too much water and leave the body dehydrated.
How Much Bell Peppers Should Bearded Dragons Eat
Bearded dragons should only be given bell peppers in moderation because they are high in water and low in calcium. Too much water can cause diarrhea and too little calcium can lead to metabolic bone disease, especially in younger dragons.
To ensure good health, it is recommended to offer vegetables with high calcium levels like kale and broccoli. Bell peppers are also high in phosphorous, which can further deplete calcium in their bodies.
How to Prepare Bell Pepper for Your Bearded Dragons
To prepare bell pepper for your bearded dragons, wash it in running water and remove the seeds by cutting it open. Cut the pepper into thin strips so your pet can easily eat them. This will make for a tasty and healthy treat for your reptile friend!
How to Feed Bell Peppers to Your Bearded Dragon
When feeding bell peppers to your bearded dragon, it’s important to offer them in small diced portions to make it easier for them to eat and encourage them to eat other leafy greens. Use a bowl that is easy for your dragon to eat from and always wash the peppers and other greens thoroughly to prevent illness.
It’s best to serve raw peppers for maximum nutrition and consider purchasing organic options to avoid pesticides. Here are some fun ways to feed your pet this colorful veggie.
1. Add to Salad
Adding a few pieces of bell pepper to your bearded dragon’s salad can provide added texture, color, and flavor. This is a great way to spice up their meal and keep them interested in their food.
2. Blend It Up
You can also blend bell pepper with other healthy ingredients like spinach and yogurt to create a nutritious smoothie. This can be a tasty snack for your pet, and leftovers can be stored in the fridge for about a week.
3. Use as Treats
Small pieces of bell pepper can also be used as treats when trying to get your bearded dragon comfortable with handling. This can help ease their fear and build trust between you and your pet.
Remember to always buy organic bell peppers when possible and thoroughly wash the veggie before serving it to minimize pesticide consumption. With these fun feeding options, your bearded dragon is sure to enjoy this tasty and healthy veggie.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are a great addition to a bearded dragon’s diet and can be fed regularly. Bell peppers are among the 21 vegetables that are recommended by trusted sources to make up a significant portion of a bearded dragon’s diet.
While there is no specific number of times per week to offer bell peppers, it is recommended to offer them once a week with other healthy greens and vegetables. It is important to mix bell peppers with other nutrient-dense greens and vegetables to provide a diverse blend of vitamins, minerals, and health benefits.
What Happens if Bearded Dragons Eat Too Much
If bearded dragons eat too much, they can suffer from overhydration, hypervitaminosis A, and MBD. Overconsumption of bell peppers, which are high in phosphorous and low in vitamin D3, can lead to these issues.
The color of their poop can also indicate if they have eaten too much of something, with green or red poop potentially signaling a problem. It’s important to monitor their diet and seek veterinary care if necessary.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Eating Bell Peppers
Some bearded dragons may enjoy eating bell peppers, while others may not. Bell peppers are safe for bearded dragons to eat since they don’t contain capsaicin like spicy peppers. If your bearded dragon doesn’t seem interested in bell peppers, you can try mixing them in with other foods to entice them.
What to Do If Bearded Dragons Don’t Like Eating Bell Peppers
If your bearded dragon doesn’t like eating bell peppers, you can try feeding them other vegetables like Swiss chard. You can also feed them insect or animal-based foods like calcium-dusted crickets, earthworms, wax worms, spiders, and pinkie or young mice for adult dragons.
Just make sure to get these insects from reputable sources like pet stores, reptile breeders, or bait stores, and avoid feeding them fireflies as they are toxic.
Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers
Baby bearded dragons can eat bell peppers, but it should be done sparingly. Bell peppers have a low calcium content, which is a vital nutrient for maintaining strong bones. It’s important to make sure that the baby beardie is getting enough calcium-rich foods in their diet to support their growth and development.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Pepper Skin
Bearded dragons can eat bell pepper skin, but it’s important to choose organically grown peppers to avoid pesticide residues. Make sure to wash the peppers thoroughly with clean water before feeding them to your beardie.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Bell Peppers
Bearded dragons can eat red bell peppers, which are nutritious and have a high water content. However, be careful not to overfeed your pet lizard as this can cause digestive problems.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Bell Peppers
Bearded dragons are able to eat green bell peppers as part of their diet. These vegetables are a great source of essential nutrients and hydration for your pet. They have high water content and low sugar, making them a healthy addition to your lizard’s diet.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Orange Bell Peppers
Orange bell peppers are a suitable food for bearded dragons. These veggies are a colorful addition to their diet and can help them stay healthy. One serving of orange peppers has 51 calories and is a great option for helping your pet lose weight. The vitamins and water content in the peppers are also beneficial for your lizard’s health.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Pepper Seeds
Bell pepper seeds are safe for bearded dragons to consume. They add a spicy flavor to their diet and won’t cause any discomfort since bell peppers have a zero rating on the Scoville heat scale. Capsaicin, which causes a burning sensation, is not present in bell peppers.
Should I Feed Baby Bearded Dragon Bell Peppers?
Yes, you can feed your baby bearded dragon bell peppers, but in moderation. It’s important to be careful about their diet, especially when they’re 18 months to 2 years old, as they’re still growing and need a balanced and nutritious diet. You can mix bell peppers with other finely chopped and clean ingredients to provide a varied diet.
Aren’t Bell Peppers Hot?
Bell peppers are not hot! They don’t contain capsaicin like other peppers such as jalapenos or Carolina Reapers. Bell peppers are slightly sweet and safe for your bearded dragon to eat without any health risks. They’re also high in vitamins and nutrients and can provide some hydration, but you should still make sure to provide fresh water at all times.
How Can I Serve Bell Pepper to My Beardie?
When serving bell peppers to your bearded dragon, start by choosing a ripe pepper that is free of mold and weird spots. Look for peppers that feel firm and heavy, and have a deeper green color. Avoid peppers that are too soft or have blemishes. Cut the pepper into tiny pieces and offer it to your bearded dragon as a healthy treat.
Bearded dragons can eat bell peppers safely. Bell peppers are a great addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, providing them with essential nutrients and vitamins. As with any new food, it’s important to introduce bell peppers gradually and monitor your bearded dragon’s reaction. But overall, adding bell peppers to their diet can be a tasty and healthy treat for your scaly friend.