Bearded dragons have an omnivorous diet, allowing them to consume both plant and animal matter. But what about fruits? Can they eat mangoes?
Mangoes are a popular fruit known for their sweet and juicy flavor. But before you feed your bearded dragon some mangoes, it’s important to know if it’s safe for them to eat.
In this article, we will discuss whether or not a bearded dragon can eat mangoes, the nutritional benefits and risks, and how to properly prepare and serve mangoes to your pet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango
Bearded Dragons can eat mango as a treat because it’s healthy and provides important nutrients like Vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. However, because mango is high in sugar, it should only be given occasionally. Many Bearded Dragons enjoy eating mango and it can contribute to their overall health and well-being.
Is Mango Bad For Bearded Dragon
Mango is generally safe for bearded dragons to eat, but it’s important to keep in mind a few things. Mango contains a lot of sugar, which can lead to obesity, and a higher amount of phosphorus than calcium, which can prevent absorption of calcium. Be sure to balance your dragon’s diet with foods that have a proper calcium to phosphorus ratio and supplement with calcium powder as needed.
It’s important to be aware of the potential for vitamin A toxicity when offering fruits such as mango alongside supplements that also contain vitamin A. Monitor your dragon’s diet to maintain their health and well-being.
Is Mango Good For Bearded Dragon
Mango is a great addition to your bearded dragon’s diet! It’s packed with nutrients like vitamin C, iron, fiber, and water that can help boost your pet’s immune system, support growth and development, regulate digestion, and provide hydration. Mango can be included in a balanced diet, but it’s important to consume it in moderation.
Nutritional Value of Mangoes
Mangoes are tasty, but not very nutritious. They contain water and fiber but are also high in sugar and lack a good calcium to phosphorus ratio. So while bearded dragons can eat them, they should not be a main part of their diet. Take a look at the table below that we have taken from the US Department Of Agriculture.
Nutritional Information Of Mango Per 100g
Note: We Have Included The Most Relevant Nutritional Information Only
Name | Amount | Unit |
Water | 83.46 | g |
Energy | 60 | Kcal |
Protein | 0.82 | g |
Total lipid (fat) | 0.38 | g |
Carbohydrate, by difference | 14.98 | g |
Fiber | 1.6 | g |
Sugars | 13.66 | g |
Calcium, Ca | 11 | mg |
Phosphorus, P | 14 | mg |
Sodium, Na | 1 | mg |
Vitamin C | 36.4 | mg |
Iron, Fe | 0.16 | mg |
Vitamin D (D2+3) | 0 | µg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.119 | mg |
Vitamin A | 54 | µg |
Vitamin E | 0.9 | mg |
Vitamin K | 4.2 | µg |
Health Benefits of Feeding Mango to Bearded Dragons
Feeding your bearded dragon mango can provide several health benefits, including essential vitamins and minerals.
1. Vitamins A and C
Mango is a great source of vitamins A and C, which are crucial for maintaining your dragon’s night vision and boosting their immune system. Without enough of these vitamins, your bearded dragon may develop eye problems or become more susceptible to illnesses. Including mango in their diet can help ensure they get the necessary nutrients for optimal health.
2. Vitamins E and K
While bearded dragons don’t necessarily need extra vitamins E and K, mango is a good source of these nutrients. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting your dragon from free radicals, while vitamin K is necessary for proper blood clotting.
3. Fiber
Mango is also a good source of fiber, which aids in digestion and helps your bearded dragon feel full and satisfied after eating. If your dragon experiences constipation, adding mango to their diet may provide relief. Overall, feeding your bearded dragon mango can provide important health benefits and contribute to their overall well-being.
4. Folate
Mango is a valuable source of folate, which plays a crucial role in the production of new cells and in maintaining the health of bearded dragons. Folate is particularly essential for developing juvenile bearded dragons as it aids in proper development.
5. Antioxidants
Mango contains antioxidants that offer protection from free radicals, which are vital for the health of bearded dragons. Free radicals can damage cells and cause illness and disease. Therefore, feeding your bearded dragon mango can help keep them healthy and prevent diseases.
6. Manganese
Mango is a great source of manganese, which is essential for bone development in bearded dragons. It also helps with proper metabolism and protects them from oxidative damage.
7. Magnesium and Zinc
Mango also contains magnesium and zinc, which are important for healthy bone and joint development and wound healing and immunity, respectively. Providing your dragons with these nutrients can help keep them healthy and strong.
8. Iron
Iron is an essential nutrient for bearded dragons, especially for young ones that are still growing and developing. Mango contains a small amount of iron, which can help support your pet’s overall health.
9. Water
Bearded dragons get most of their water from fruits and vegetables, and mango is a great source of hydration. You can also use mango to help rehydrate a dehydrated dragon in distress.
Risks of Feeding Mango to Bearded Dragons
Feeding mango to your bearded dragons can have both benefits and risks. While it is a tasty and nutritious treat, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with feeding mango to your dragons.
1. High in Sugar
Mango is high in sugar, which can be harmful to bearded dragons if they consume too much. Overeating sugar can lead to health problems such as obesity and diabetes.
For optimal health, it is recommended to limit the amount of mango given to dragons and to provide a well-rounded diet that incorporates a variety of fruits and vegetables.
2. Low in Calcium
Mango is also low in calcium, which is essential for the bone and joint development of bearded dragons. It is important to supplement your dragons’ diets with calcium when feeding them mango to ensure that they are receiving the necessary nutrients for their health.
3. High in Vitamin A
Mango contains high levels of vitamin A, which may be detrimental to the health of bearded dragons if they consume excessive amounts. Overeating vitamin A can lead to health problems such as liver disease. It is important to monitor your dragons’ intake of mango and to ensure that they are not consuming too much vitamin A.
4. Oxalates
Mangoes, like many other fruits and vegetables, contain oxalates in small amounts. These oxalates can bind to calcium and other minerals in the gut, reducing their absorption and potentially leading to mineral deficiencies over time. To avoid this, offer a variety of foods to your bearded dragon and don’t rely solely on mangoes for their nutrition.
5. Pesticide Residues
Mangoes are often treated with pesticides and other chemicals that can be harmful to your pet if ingested. To minimize the risk, it’s crucial to wash mangoes thoroughly before feeding them to your bearded dragon. Consider buying organic mangoes to avoid exposure to pesticides altogether.
6. Choking Hazards
The seeds of mangoes may present a risk of choking to your pet due to their size. Always remove the seed and cut the fruit into small, bite-sized pieces before feeding it to your bearded dragon. This will help prevent choking and ensure that your pet can safely enjoy their treat.
How Many Mangoes Can Bearded Dragons Eat
Bearded dragons should only be given mangoes as treats a few times a week, and ideally, one or two mangoes a week is enough. The best type of mango to feed them is the apple mango, chopped into small cubes or slices and mixed with other greens for fiber. However, mangoes are high in sugar content, which can lead to health problems like heart failure, tooth decay, and liver problems.
It’s important to maintain a calcium to phosphorous ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 to prevent phosphorous from binding with calcium and causing health issues. Excessive sugar consumption may lead to obesity and diarrhea among bearded dragons.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango Every Day
Bearded Dragons should not eat mango every day as fruit should only make up 10% of their diet. Mango is high in sugar, which can lead to health problems like obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. While mangoes are rich in vitamins, most lizards receive these vitamins through supplements.
Feeding your Bearded Dragon a diet high in mangoes and supplements could cause vitamin toxicity, resulting in weight loss, dehydration, and weakness. Additionally, mangoes are not a significant source of calcium, which is crucial for their health and for avoiding metabolic bone disease.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango
Bearded dragons should not eat mango every day because it has high levels of sugar and low levels of calcium, which can lead to health issues like a metallic bone disease. Fruits should only make up about 10% of a beardie’s diet, and mangoes can be beneficial in small portions once or twice a week.
It is important to monitor their dietary habits and ensure they are also getting enough vegetables and greens with sufficient calcium and potassium. Mangoes contain fiber, low fat, and low cholesterol, which can be good for your bearded dragon.
How to Prepare Mango for Your Bearded Dragon
Before feeding mango to your bearded dragon, make sure to wash the fruit thoroughly to remove any pesticides, herbicides, or waxes. Peel the fruit and remove the large seed in the center, then cut it into small pieces no larger than a quarter inch.
You can also mince it or puree it for a different texture. It is recommended to limit the amount of food given to a bearded dragon to three quarter-inch pieces per day. If your bearded dragon seems disinterested in their food, try adding some mango to their salad to reignite their interest.
What Should Your Bearded Dragon Eat with Mango
Bearded dragons should only eat a small amount of mango occasionally, and it should not be a staple food. Fruit should only make up 5% to 10% of their total diet, with the rest being plant matter high in calcium and vitamins and animal protein.
Young bearded dragons need a diet with 70% animal protein, 20% vegetables and greens, and 10% fruit, herbs, and flowers, while adult bearded dragons need a diet with 70% vegetables and greens, 20% animal protein, and 10% fruit, herbs, and flowers.
Some highly nutritious greens and veggies to include in their daily salads are collard greens, arugula, endive, grape leaves, escarole, dark lettuces, mustard greens, dandelion greens, yellow and orange squash, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin.
They should also have a range of animal protein in their diet made up of insects and worms like hornworms, nightcrawlers, earthworms, Dubia roaches, crickets, Phoenix worms, and mealworms.
Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Mango
Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat mango, but it’s important not to overfeed them. Baby dragons need nutrient-dense foods and high amounts of calcium for proper growth, so it’s best to offer mango and other fruits as occasional treats rather than a regular part of their diet.
The first 16-24 months are crucial for their development, so it’s important to provide them with a balanced and healthy diet during this time.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango Peels
Bearded dragons should not eat mango peels because they are toxic and their digestive systems are not equipped to handle the complex matter. It’s best to cut ripe mango into small chunks and mix it with a salad of greens or veggies. Some owners have fed their beardies mango peel without seeing any negative reactions, but it’s still recommended to avoid it due to its rough texture.
If you do feed them the peel, make sure it’s washed well and cut into small pieces. Mango peel contains antioxidants that can help remove free radicals in the dragon’s tissues, but it also contains chemicals and pesticides that may not be completely removed by washing.
Are Mangoes Safe for Bearded Dragons?
Mangoes are considered a safe food for bearded dragons to consume. They’re full of important vitamins and minerals. When feeding mango to your bearded dragon, remember to remove the peel and pit. Cut the flesh into small pieces or offer it as slices. Be careful when feeding mangoes to your bearded dragon.
How Can I Feed My Bearded Dragons Mango?
To feed your bearded dragons mango, it’s best to buy organic fruit to avoid harmful pesticides. Cut the mango into slices and remove the cubes from the skin. Feed small amounts of no more than one slice every few weeks mixed in a salad with other healthy fruits and vegetables like bell peppers, squash, seedless watermelon, collard greens, and mustard greens.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Unripe Mango?
According to experts, it is recommended to feed bearded dragons fully ripe mangoes that are free of toxins. Unripe mangoes should not be given to bearded dragons because they may contain toxins that can harm them.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried Mango?
Bearded dragons can eat dried mango and it contains vitamins and minerals that are good for them. Just make sure to only give them small amounts as a treat, as too much can be harmful.
In conclusion, while a bearded dragon’s diet should primarily consist of insects and vegetables, adding fruits like mango can provide a tasty and nutritious treat. Just remember to feed it in moderation and always consult with a veterinarian if you’re unsure about any aspect of your pet’s diet. So go ahead, treat your scaly friend to a sweet slice of mango and watch them enjoy a healthy snack!