Being reptiles, Bearded dragons are ectothermic. This means that they rely on external heat sources to increase their body temperature. Bearded dragons are also poikilothermic, meaning they can have a variable body temperature depending on the environmental temperature.
The environmental temperature of Bearded dragons can be increased in several ways. For these reptiles, the ultimate goal is to create a basking spot of about 40 ºC / 104 ºF on one side of the enclosure with a natural temperature gradient towards the other side of the enclosure. To achieve this, an electrical heat source needs to be supplied. Popular heat sources used to increase the temperature for Bearded dragons include heat rocks, heat pads, and overhead heat mounting.

Bearded Dragon Temperatures
Understanding the temperature requirements of a Bearded Dragon is essential for keeping your pet healthy and happy. That’s why it is essential that as a Bearded Dragon owner, you know what temperatures they require.
For Baby Bearded Dragons, the ideal basking area should be between 100-110°F with a cool area of 80-90°F.
Once your dragon grows into a Juvenile, the basking area should be at 95-100°F and the cool area at 75-80°F. Adult Bearded Dragons require the same temperatures for both their basking and cool areas – 95-100°F and 75-80°F respectively.
It’s also important to remember that all ages of Bearded Dragons require a nighttime temperature between 70-75°F to ensure that your pet gets sufficient rest!
How Do I Create The Correct Temperature For My Bearded Dragon?
Creating the correct temperature for your Bearded Dragon is an important part of caring for these reptiles. The equipment needed is a basking lamp, or a halogen lamp around the 90 Watt mark, depending on tank size.
These lamps can be freely purchased at hardware stores, pet stores, and on the internet, though it’s best to go for quality rather than the cheapest option to ensure your Dragon gets the right amount of heat.
Your Bearded Dragon needs a thermal gradient with a basking area that corresponds with its age as well as providing a cool spot in which it can retreat when they become too hot. The chart on this page will help you determine the necessary temperatures while an image will guide you to understanding how far apart these areas are required to be.
Whether you purchase your lamp from the hardware store or specifically designed for reptile use doesn’t matter – but you need to ensure that your pet is safe and healthy by providing them with the correct temperature conditions in their tanks.
Heat rocks & heat pads
Heat rocks and heat pads are commercially available electrical devices with built-in heat sources. They are often easy to use, but because they are in direct contact with a Bearded dragon, these devices should be used with extra caution. Their temperatures should be tested regularly/routinely with a thermometer to ensure proper functioning.
Overhead heat mounting
The preferred way to supply heat to Bearded dragons is to supply overhead heating. For this, a basking lamp (which is a spotlight) mounted over a decorative rock can be used. Heating spotlights are more natural because they allow heat to be emitted from the top and from the bottom.
Infrared daylight heat bulbs are also available for the same purpose but are a bit more expensive with no additional advantages over regular spotlight bulbs. The distance from the bulb to the rock and the wattage strength of the bulb can be used to reach the desired temperature. The result will vary depending on the size of the enclosure and the ambient temperature. When mounting a spotlight over a rock, make sure no direct contact between the Bearded dragon and the light bulb is possible.
The temperature gradient
The environmental temperature should have a 24 – 34 ºC / 75 – 93 ºF temperature gradient which should be maintained by the heat source. If this gradient is not supplied, Bearded dragons will have no place to cool down or regulate their temperatures when the basking area becomes too hot. In the case where the environmental temperature is too hot a Bearded dragon will spend a lot of time in its water bowl, breath with its mouth open, or trying to escape the enclosure.
Bearded dragon night temperatures
Temperatures at night can drop to as low as 17 ºC / 63 ºF. For this to happen it is most often only necessary to switch off all the heating devices.
Some keepers recommend the installation of infrared lighting to maintain a warmer temperature during the evenings too. Infrared lighting will not interfere with the sight of Bearded dragons. By increasing the night temperatures growth and appetite are stimulated, but it is believed it will also shorten the overall life expectancy of Bearded dragons.
Bearded dragon egg incubation temperatures
Bearded dragon eggs should be incubated at 29 °C / 84 °F. This temperature is significantly lower than the average temperatures recommended for their keeping enclosures and even the average temperatures of their natural environments. Also, see Bearded dragon egg incubation temperatures for more information.
Related Bearded dragon products
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Why Is The Correct Temperature Important to Bearded Dragons?
Bearded Dragons need the correct temperature in their environment in order to stay healthy and happy. Because they are cold-blooded reptiles, they need an external heat source in order to keep their bodies functioning correctly. In the wild, this is typically provided by the sun’s rays, but when kept as pets it must be provided through artificial heating sources such as ‘heat lamps’ or ‘basking lamps’.
If a Bearded Dragon does not get enough heat every day, their digestion will suffer and certain bodily functions may become impaired. If this happens, it can lead to serious health issues such as rotting food in the gut and impaction (constipation). This will affect the Bearded Dragon’s appetite, meaning it may no longer eat enough for its nutritional needs leading to further health complications.
It is therefore very important that Bearded Dragons have access to the correct temperature at all times – both for their well-being and overall health.
Why Is Having The Correct Temperature Important to Baby Bearded Dragons?
The right temperature is very important in order to keep baby Bearded Dragons healthy. As they grow at a rapid pace in the first 12 months of their life and reach around 90% of their full size, it’s important to provide a habitat that enables them to easily digest meals and stay healthy.
The ideal temperature for basking is critical for allowing baby dragons to digest food efficiently between meals so that they are regularly eating. If temperatures are too low in the basking area then digestion becomes slow or difficult, leading to decreased appetite which can have lasting effects on growth and overall health.
To ensure your baby Bearded Dragon is growing at its best, having the proper tank temperature is an absolute must. This will help promote regular feeding habits as well as provide a safe environment for your little dragon. Maintaining the right temperature is key for keeping your baby Bearded Dragon happy and healthy now and into adulthood!

Proper Temperatures for a Baby Bearded Dragon
When it comes to keeping a baby Bearded Dragon, it’s important to understand their temperature requirements. Hatchlings and young dragons up to 6 months old have different needs than adults. They require more energy, so the temperatures of their enclosure need to be higher than for adults in order to fuel their growth.
The basking area of the terrarium should be kept at 95-110 degrees Fahrenheit and the opposite end, where it’s slightly cooler, should be somewhere between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s also important that there’s a temperature gradient set up across the enclosure. This way, your dragon can regulate its body temperature by moving between warmer and cooler areas as needed.
Having such a temperature gradient is key for all life stages of a Bearded Dragon – from hatchling to adult – because it allows them to push themselves further through self-regulation of their body temperature. Make sure you provide this kind of environment for your baby Bearded Dragon in order to ensure its health and well-being!
Temperature Areas | Ideal Temperature Range |
Basking Area | 95°F – 110°F |
Cool-down Area | 80°F – 90°F |
Proper Temperatures for a Juvenile Bearded Dragon
When considering a proper temperature for a juvenile bearded dragon, be sure to provide the same level of care that you would give a baby. The basking area should fall between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit while the cooler region should remain at around 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
This combination of temperatures will ensure your juvenile dragon is able to regulate its body temperature, promote healthy metabolism, and generally thrive.
For best results, check both areas with a thermometer regularly to make sure they remain within the desired range. Doing so will help ensure your juvenile dragon gets the environment it needs to live a happy, healthy life.
Temperature Areas | Ideal Temperature Range |
Basking Area | 95°F – 100°F |
Cool-down Area | 80°F – 90°F |
Proper Temperatures for an Adult Bearded Dragon
When it comes to proper temperatures for an adult bearded dragon, they need a slightly cooler basking area than the juveniles and babies. The ideal range here should be between 90 to 93 degrees Fahrenheit.
It’s also essential to keep the cooler area of the enclosure at 80-90 degrees F as well. This will help to maintain the right environment for your adult bearded dragon so that it can feel comfortable and safe in its home.
Temperature Areas | Ideal Temperature Range |
Basking Area | 90°F – 93°F |
Cool-down Area | 80°F – 90°F |
What Is the Lowest Temperature a Bearded Dragon Can Have?
When it comes to the lowest temperature that a Bearded Dragon can survive in, the answer is 63°F. Although this isn’t ideal for long-term health, they will be able to operate their bodily functions within this temperature range for a limited time.
At such lows, your Bearded Dragon may become lethargic due to its needing to conserve energy and won’t want to eat at regular meal times. This is mainly due to the low temperatures making it harder for food to digest but also because uneaten food from a previous meal may still be present in their gut.
What Is the Highest Temperature a Bearded Dragon Can Have?
The highest temperature a Bearded Dragon can have, according to Howard’s basking substrate surface temperature measurements, is 122°F (50°C).
Anything exceeding this could risk overheating the enclosure and being hazardous to the dragon. It is important to ensure that the temperature inside the enclosure does not exceed this limit for the safety of your Dragon.
What’s The Correct temperature During Brumation?
When your dragon goes into brumation, it’s important to know what the correct temperature should be. Brumation is the reptile equivalent of hibernation and typically lasts between 6-8 weeks, though it can last 3 weeks to 4 months. During this time your dragon won’t eat or drink and won’t need any artificial heating from its basking lamp.
Room temperature is warm enough to keep your dragon healthy while in brumation, so you don’t have to worry about setting up special conditions for it. If you are ever unsure about what to do during the brumation period, reach out to a vet for advice and guidance.
Lowering the temperatures during brumation is something that needs careful consideration – see my post on brumation for more details. By understanding how to decrease the heat when necessary and knowing the correct temperature, you’ll ensure that your Bearded Dragon stays safe during its hibernation period.

What’s The Correct Temperature at Night?
When it comes to nighttime temperatures for your Bearded Dragon, the correct temperature at night should be around 70°-75°F. This is the same temperature they experience in their natural habitat and is backed up by experts and specialists alike.
If your room temperature falls below this range then you will need to use an external source of heat such as a ceramic heat emitter. Regular basking lamps may provide additional warmth, however, these lamps also emit light that can disrupt a Bearded Dragons sleep cycle and keep them from getting the rest they need.
Ceramic heat emitters only produce heat so you can maintain the ideal temperature range without disturbing your Dragon’s normal sleep schedule. With this setup, your Bearded Dragon will have the comfortable temperatures it craves while still getting enough restful sleep each night.
Why Is The Cool Spot Important?
It’s important to have both the basking and cool spot areas for the optimum health and well-being of your Bearded Dragon. In the wild, these reptiles use cooler areas such as under rocks and in small crevices as means of shelter from the sun and to regulate their body temperature.
In captivity, it’s important to replicate this so that your dragon can regulate their temperature correctly. This is achieved by providing a 20°F difference between the basking area and the cool spot. The easiest way to create this gradient is to place one UVB light and one basking lamp into one corner of the enclosure, causing the opposite corner to be much cooler.
To ensure temperatures are staying within range, invest in a contactless thermometer and measure the cool spot regularly. Your beardie needs this variation so that they can adequately control their body temperatures for optimal health.
How Much Heat Do Bearded Dragons Need Each Day?
It’s important to know how much heat your Bearded Dragon needs each day to ensure their health and well-being. Generally, it’s recommended to give them between 10-14 hours of the correct temperature each day, but some owners have been known to go up to 16 hours without any problems.
In order to replicate their natural day-night cycle in the wild, you should turn off the heat lamp for a few hours after giving them the necessary amount of hours of heat. It’s also a good idea to adjust the light and temperature according to the four seasons, with 10 hours in winter, 12 in spring and autumn, and 14 in summer. Doing this helps your Bearded Dragon understand when it’s time for brumation during winter months.
It should be noted that while adjusting your Bearded Dragon’s heat levels every three months is recommended, it isn’t necessarily something you must do. Having said that, it works well for helping your dragon adapt better to its environment.
How Long Can a Bearded Dragon Go Without Heat?
Bearded dragons need warmth to survive, and it’s recommended that their habitat temperature should remain at 65° degrees Fahrenheit (18° C) or higher. Without heat, a bearded dragon can only go for up to 24 hours without heat before its health begins to deteriorate.
Therefore, it is essential that appropriate measures are taken to maintain the ideal temperature range in their enclosure. Heat lamps, under-tank heating pads, and other sources of warmth can help ensure that the environment stays within a comfortable range.

What to Do If You Need Heat Fast
If you need heat fast for your Bearded Dragon, there are a few things you can do to provide some relief. If the basking lamp burns out, an ideal solution is to have a spare on hand in case of emergencies.
However, if that’s not an option you still have other choices. You can use a heat mat or ceramic heat emitter, both of which will provide enough warmth for a short while until you can get the situation sorted.
If the power goes out, these options won’t work so we’ll have to come up with a different solution. Filling up water bottles with hot water, covering them with a towel, and letting your dragon lay on top should give off just enough heat for them to regulate their body temperature temporarily.
Just make sure to refill them periodically as the water cools down. Until the problem is fixed and your Dragon has regular access to proper heating sources again, it’s best not to feed it as food digestion could be hindered without proper temperatures.
How Often Do Basking Lamps Need Replacing?
As pet owners, it’s important that we keep our Bearded Dragons tank at the correct temperature. This is why having a reliable basking lamp is key. Basking lamps only need to be replaced if they no longer give off the required heat or have burned out.
As such, it’s a good idea to regularly check the temperature of your tank with a digital thermometer and replace your basking lamp as soon as there’s an issue.
Should You Use a Thermostat?
If you own a Bearded Dragon, then using a thermostat is an absolute must. It’s the best way to ensure that your pet’s environment is at the ideal temperature. The thermostat regulates the temperature in the tank, switching off or dimming the basking lamp when it becomes too hot and turning it back on or up when it cools down.
This means you don’t have to keep manually checking the temperature by turning off or on your lamp – a thermostat takes care of all that for you. All you need to do is invest in a thermostat, and then just monitor it from time to time to make sure things are working as they should be. This way, you can keep your Bearded Dragon safe and happy!
Using The Thermostat
If you want to make sure your tank is the perfect temperature for your Bearded Dragon, you need to use a thermostat. Getting the correct heat from the thermostat can take some trial and error. The ideal way to do this is by getting the temperature of the tank right before introducing your dragon for the first time.
When it comes to setting up the thermostat, position the probe at the cool end of the tank and make sure it is either very close or sitting on the floor of the tank. Take a look at both the cool spot and basking area temperatures to see if they are in line with what they should be. If you find that there’s too much of a difference between them, move things around until they even out – this may involve raising or lowering one area, or trying out different positions for the probe across the tank.
With each move that you make, give it around two hours for stabilization before checking again. If done correctly and patiently, you will eventually find that both areas are at their optimal temperature thanks to your trusty thermostat!
Do You Need a Timer?
The answer is yes! Timers are essential for keeping your Bearded Dragon healthy and happy. They allow you to mimic the natural day and night cycle your Dragon would have in the wild, giving them both light and heat at predetermined times throughout the day.
Using a timer also saves you from having to manually switch on or off heat lamps or other electrical items during certain parts of the day, taking away the need for constant supervision and saving time.
Monitor The Proper Temperatures for a Bearded Dragon
It is essential to continually keep track of the temperatures inside the terrarium so you know how to best care for your bearded dragon. Using only quality thermometers is a must in this case, as they will guarantee accuracy while taking measurements. Don’t take chances when it comes to monitoring temperatures, and make sure to have at least two thermometers – one for the basking area and one for the cooler region of the enclosure.
The thermometer in the basking area should be placed near where your bearded dragon typically spends most of its time, so you can get accurate readings there. This way you will always know if it is within a safe temperature range or not. Monitoring the proper temperatures for your bearded dragon is an important part of caring for it properly.
Are 80 Degrees Too Cold for a Bearded Dragon?
For an adult bearded dragon, the temperature of their basking area should range between 90 and 93 degrees Fahrenheit, while the colder side of the cage needs to stay between 80 – 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Where to Put Thermometer In a Bearded Dragon Tank?
For the most accurate temperature readings in bearded dragon enclosures, it is advisable to attach a digital probe thermometer near both the hot and cold spots at ground level.
How Do I Make My Bearded Dragon Tank Hotter?
A bearded dragon tank can be heated up with Ceramic Heat Emitters or Heat Mats. I strongly recommend using ceramic heating elements for increased control and decreased risk of problems. Additionally, there are other safe heat sources available.
In conclusion, temperatures are a vital component to providing excellent care for your beloved Bearded Dragon. With the right setup and daily monitoring, you can keep your Bearded Dragon healthy and happy.
Not only will this allow them to thrive in their new home, but it will give you peace of mind knowing that you are doing everything in your power to provide them with the best life possible.