If you have a pet bearded dragon, then chances are you’ve asked yourself why its poop looks kind of watery. After all, if something is wrong with your beardie, then you want to help it as soon as possible and not wait until the problem gets worse.
It’s normal and natural for your bearded dragon’s poop to be slightly watery at times; however, if it becomes too watery or too often, this could be an indicator of a significant health issue.
In this article, we’ll explore some answers to the question: Why is my bearded dragon’s poop watery? We’ll look at the potential causes of the problem as well as potential solutions.

Should Bearded Dragons Poop Be Watery?
When it comes to bearded dragons, the question of should their poop be watery or not can be a tricky one. Generally speaking, healthy bearded dragons will typically have poops that will range from being firm to slightly soft and in two shades – brown and white. The watery stool is usually an indication that something isn’t quite right, so if your pet’s poop is overly runny you may want to seek veterinary advice.
In addition to making sure that your bearded dragon’s hydration level is adequate, it’s also important to make sure they don’t become over-hydrated as this can lead to vomiting of clear and murky water. As such, it’s a good idea to provide them with a clean, fresh source of water on a daily basis as the natural sources available in the wild are not always readily available when kept in captivity.
Runny & Watery Bearded Dragon Poop
Bearded dragons are prone to having runny or watery poop from time to time. This can be due to an abrupt change in diet, or it may be caused by too much high-fiber food like apples, pumpkins, and broccoli. It’s important to identify the cause so that you can take appropriate steps to fix the problem before the dehydration sets in.
One way to do this is to reduce the amount of high-fiber foods in your pet’s diet very slowly. However, remember that vegetables comprise 75% of a bearded dragon’s diet and some fruits and leafy greens also contain a lot of water which will make your lizard even more hydrated than usual and further contribute to runny stools. Taking all of this into consideration and taking precautions accordingly should help resolve this issue quickly.
Reasons For Bearded Dragon Runny Poop
There could be a few possible explanations for your bearded dragon having runny stools. Changes to the diet can sometimes cause runny poops, so foods that act as laxatives such as apples, pumpkin, and beet greens should be avoided if possible.
Another explanation for runny poops could be a parasitic infection. If so, the poop will likely smell bad and contain mucus or blood as well as exhibit other symptoms such as lethargy, weight loss, and lack of appetite. Make sure to take a fresh sample to the vet for testing if you think this may be the problem.
Finally, female bearded dragons over 1.5-2 years old may have gravid-related runny poops even without mating with a male – although in this case, the eggs will be infertile.
Bearded Dragon Parasite Poop
Bearded Dragons can easily become infected with parasites by ingesting infected insects. Since wild insects are particularly prone to parasitic infections, it’s always best to purchase feeder insects from a pet store or other reliable source.
A bearded dragon with a parasitic infection will show symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, and runny stools that may contain mucus, and blood or have an excessive foul odor. These parasites usually consist of pinworms and coccidia, which must be diagnosed by a vet through the collection of a stool sample.
If they determine that your lizard has too many parasites in its system, they’ll give the pet one to two doses of deworming medication specific to these types of parasites. This medication should clear away most of the parasites from the system. Additionally, it’s good practice to also provide them with probiotic supplements during this time for additional coverage against any negative side effects of the dewormer treatment.
What Does Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop Look Like?
Unhealthy bearded dragon poop can be identified by its color. Generally, their droppings should be brown and white, which indicates a healthy and happy lifestyle. However, if the stools are red, yellow, or black, it’s likely that there is something wrong with your dragon’s health.
The color of each dragon’s stool will vary depending on its diet. Young dragons with high protein diets may pass one to three times a day while older dragons who have transitioned to primarily plant-based foods will only pass once or twice per week. A green or brown hue usually indicates that they are taking in a lot of vegetables whereas black stool may indicate an insect-heavy diet.
If your bearded dragon has diarrhea with watery or black stools, this could be a sign of parasites or bacterial infection and you should consult with your veterinarian right away. It is important to monitor your pet’s bowel movements as changes in their habits could signal various illnesses or dietary issues that must be addressed immediately for the sake of their health and well-being.
Pooping Clear Liquid
Pooping clear liquid is an extremely concerning issue when it comes to bearded dragons. Although they are typically intended to have semi-solid feces, clear liquid from a dragon can be a sign of dehydration or an underlying health problem.
If you spot your pet pooping clear liquid, it’s important to take them to the vet straight away. This will help diagnose any possible illness or secondary causes like disease or parasites that may be contributing to the symptom of pooping clear liquid.
It’s also important for proud bearded dragon owners to stay on top of their pet’s pooping habits and make sure everything is as it should be in order for their little friend to stay healthy and happy!
Bearded Dragon Pooping Runny Smelly
Although we all adore our pet bearded dragons, their poop can sometimes be a source of an unpleasant odor. If it is unusually runny and smelly, it could be an indication of a health issue, so it is important to take them to the vet for an evaluation.
On the other hand, there are steps you can take to make sure your dragon’s poop doesn’t get runny and smelly. Feeding them a proper diet, making sure they stay hydrated, and keeping up with regular vet visits for check-ups are great ways to keep their waste odorless and solid. That way, you won’t be overwhelmed by smells every time you change their cage!
Bearded Dragon Runny Poop Not Eating
If you notice your bearded dragon exhibiting runny poop and not eating, it’s important to address the issue right away. This could be a sign of an underlying health problem and should be taken seriously. Poor diet, dehydration, parasites, or an underlying medical condition are all possible causes of this issue. Take your bearded dragon to the vet for assessment and diagnosis.
It’s also important to make sure to adjust their diet accordingly to make sure it’s nutritionally balanced. Live insects should comprise 80% of their diet for young dragons and 20% for adult dragons – dead insects do not offer much in terms of nutritional value — as well as fresh fruit such as strawberries, apples, watermelon, and peaches.
Access to clean drinking water is also critical for bearded dragons. Regular cleaning of their environments will help keep them healthy too.
With the proper care, attention, and nutrition your bearded dragon’s runny poops and lack of appetite should disappear in no time!
Why Do Bearded Dragons Have Runny Poop?
Bearded dragons can suffer from diarrhea for a number of reasons. Stress, parasites, bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, adenovirus infections, spoiled food, malnutrition, and dirty water bowls or cages are all potential culprits when it comes to runny poo in these animals.
Sometimes bearded dragons will also suffer from too much heat in their cage. This can lead to digestive issues which can cause runny poo. Therefore it is important to ensure that their habitat is kept at the correct temperature range to keep them healthy and reduce any potential risk of diarrhea.
Finally, always make sure you’re giving your bearded dragon a nutritious diet that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet coupled with ideal environmental conditions will go a long way toward keeping your reptile’s digestive system running smoothly – no pun intended!
What To Feed A Bearded Dragon With Diarrhea
When your bearded dragon has diarrhea, it’s important to make sure you’re providing them with the right food. Diarrhea can be caused by eating sugary or fatty foods, so it’s best to avoid these and stick to mostly leafy greens and vegetables. A good mixture would be collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, and escarole. You can also give your dragon small amounts of fruits like apples, pears, kiwis, and melons.
In addition to feeding your dragon the right food when they have diarrhea, it’s very important to ensure that they have plenty of fresh water available at all times. If their diarrhea persists for more than a few days, then you should take them to a veterinarian for further evaluation.
Adult Bearded Dragons should only eat insects a few times per week as too many bugs can cause obesity and other health problems over time. It can be a temptation for the dragon to wolf down their favorite snacks such as roaches, crickets, or worms but remember not to overfeed them with insects or animal matter. Stick to leafy greens and veggies for optimal health!
Bearded Dragon Diarrhea Treatment
When your bearded dragon has diarrhea, it’s important to take steps to ensure they have the best chance of recovery. The first step is to collect a sample of the stool and take it with you to the vet for analysis.
After that, you can help your pet’s recovery by providing a shallow warm bath for around fifteen minutes each day. Additionally, make sure you check your habitat temperatures are accurate and ensure that their UV bulb is working properly.
If your adult bearded dragon continues to have diarrhea longer than three days, then it’s essential that you take them to the vet immediately; baby dragons should be taken straight away too as they may become very weak from diarrhea. With proper treatment and care, your bearded dragon can lead a healthy and happy life.
Bearded Dragon Diarrhea Prevention
Bearded Dragon Diarrhea Prevention is key to keeping your pet healthy and happy. The most important factor in preventing diarrhea is to make sure that their habitat is kept at the correct temperature range.
Make sure that you keep the habitat temperature within the ideal range for dragons at all times, as they can become stressed if exposed to extremes and this can cause digestive problems.
For optimal temperatures, your thermometer should read between 95ºF and 110ºF but preferably around 80ºF to 90ºF. Using an easily readable thermometer can help you monitor temperature levels and keep them at their best at all times.
Keep The Enclosure Clean
To ensure your dragon’s health and contentment, it is important to adhere to good hygiene practices. This includes regularly disinfecting the environment, as well as giving your dragon a daily, weekly, and monthly deep clean. By doing this, you can reduce the risk of parasites.
Well Balanced Diet
If you feed your bearded dragon a balanced and nutritious diet, their immune system will be strong and they won’t be as likely to suffer from diarrhoea.
Make sure you feed your pet a daily Calcium supplement alongside a variety of nutritious insects, greens, and vegetables that have been gut-loaded for ultimate nourishment.
Reduce Parasite Risk
Bearded dragons are often inflicted with diarrhea caused by parasites, which may be present in the feeder insects they eat. To avoid this, it’s important to obtain high-quality feeder insects from a reliable supplier in order to reduce the risk of parasites and maintain healthy digestive health.
As a bearded dragon owner, it’s vital to maintain hydration levels and avoid dehydration in your dragon. Diarrhea is a sign of dehydration, making it vital to ensure your pet stays hydrated to avoid any negative repercussions.
You can mist the enclosure with water or add a small, shallow water bowl to the enclosure that they can use as long as the humidity levels don’t increase too much. They tend to drink off leaves and other natural sources of hydration which offers them a more natural way of keeping hydrated.
By implementing these proper hydration practices you can help ensure that your beardy is getting enough water and stays happy and healthy!
While there are a variety of potential causes for watery or otherwise runny or liquid stool in bearded dragons, it is important to recognize and treat any abnormal feces as soon as possible to ensure that your pet remains healthy.
If you notice that your dragon’s stools aren’t normal, take them to the vet for an examination and get an accurate diagnosis. Taking preventative measures, like diet adjustments and making sure they have proper hydration and care, are also essential steps in keeping your reptile healthy.