Baby bearded dragons are one of the most popular pet lizards and they always bring a smile to people’s faces! But did you know that what you feed them can be incredibly important for their long-term health?
So, what should you feed a baby bearded dragon? That’s the question we’ll explore in this article. We will look at proper nutrition for young dragons and provide some recipes that you can use for your little reptile friend.
By the end of this article, you will have a good understanding of what constitutes a nutritious diet for baby bearded dragons and know exactly what to feed them to remain healthy and happy!

What to Feed Baby Bearded Dragons
Baby Bearded Dragons need a specific diet to make sure they get all the essential nutrition they require to grow up healthy and strong. Their diet in the wild is mostly insects, but as they age their diet shifts towards mostly vegetables and greens.
For baby bearded dragons, their diet should consist of a 75/25 ratio of protein to green vegetables. This will ensure your little Dragon gets all the optimal nutrition it needs to grow up fit and healthy.
Insects are a great food source for baby Bearded dragons; they love catching and eating them! Black soldier fly larvae, butter worms, earthworms, red worms, super worms, cockroaches, Dubia roaches, crickets, and locusts are all healthy sources of protein that your baby dragon will enjoy consuming.
It’s important to note that you should only get the insects from a reputable pet store- bugs caught in the wild can be contaminated with pesticides and other harmful chemicals.
When it comes to feeding your baby Bearded dragon, vegetables are essential. Even if your Bearded dragon refuses to eat them, don’t give up – remember that proper nutrition is key to preparing them for a long and healthy life of up to 15 years.
There are lots of nutrient-rich vegetables which you can offer your Bearded dragon – broccoli, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, pepper, squash, zucchini, pumpkins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, dandelion greens, collard greens, peas, carrots, and beet tops.
It’s best to serve these vegetables raw or slightly boiled at room temperature since they can be hard for smaller dragons to chew. If needs be you can chop the vegetables into small pieces so it’s easier for them to digest.
By offering your baby bearded dragon varieties of vegetables as part of its diet you’re not just providing essential nutrients but also a varied diet that will help keep your pet happy and content.
Fruits are a great way to treat your baby Bearded dragon and get it the necessary nutrients it needs in its diet. Apples, peaches, bananas, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and watermelon are all tasty options that your bearded dragon will happily devour.
Keep in mind though that they should not be used as part of every meal instead given as an occasional reward for good behavior.
If you need an extra boost in vitamins and minerals for their diet then you can find supplements at your local pet store for them. It is important to read the directions carefully on the labels and ask your veterinarian for advice before using any supplements.
Fruits offer a delicious way to show love and care to your Bearded Dragon while also providing their diet with important nutrients!
Food Avoid to Feed Baby Bearded Dragons
When it comes to feeding baby Bearded dragons, there are certain foods best avoided. Avoid feeding them insects that glow in the dark, such as fireflies, as they contain toxins that can be lethal even in small doses. Venomous insects like wasps, spiders, bees, and scorpions should also be strictly avoided.
Other food items have too little or no nutritional value for your baby Bearded dragon and include bread, oranges, avocado, eggplant, garlic, and onion. Celery and spinach may also cause stomach irritation due to their acidity. Meat and fish are not recommended either as they are overly greasy with an excessively high phosphorus content.
What Can I Feed My Baby Beardie to Help Their Digestion?
Natural laxatives such as olive oil, and soft foods including pumpkin, squash, and apple sauce can be blended or pureed before being given to your beardie through the spoon.
Can a Baby Bearded Dragon Eat Adult Food?
Baby and adult beardies can consume the same food. The size and proportion should differ, however. To prevent choking, make sure the gap between their eyes is not exceeded by the width of the food.
How Many Crickets to Feed a Baby Bearded Dragon?
Babies should consume between 20 and 40 small crickets per day. It is important to ensure that the size of the crickets given is appropriate, as they should not be larger than the distance between the dragon’s eyes.
Do Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Dirt?
Bearded dragons kept in captivity sometimes eat dirt, which may be a form of calcium supplementation. This behavior is normal and not cause for concern.
In conclusion, proper nutrition for baby bearded dragons is vitally important for their health and growth. With a careful balance of appropriate insects and vegetables, your little dragon will be sure to grow up healthy and strong.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to make the right choices when it comes to what you feed your pet lizard. But with some patience and research, you can ensure that your beloved reptile will always have access to all the nutrition they need.