Bearded dragons are often seen soaking in their water dishes. Soaking behaviour is fairly common, and often normal, but it should also alert Bearded dragon keepers that potential problems might be present.
From time-to-time owners will found one, or all, Bearded dragons soaking in their water dish. Naturally, soaking is a great way to help loosen dry skin and aid in the process of skin shedding. Soaking behaviour in Bearded dragons might also be an indication that something is wrong, or at least that something can be improved upon. Excessive soaking behaviour in Bearded dragons can also be an indication of the following:
- Skin shedding problems
- Overheating
- Mite infections
- Dehydration
- Impactions and/or obstructions

Bearded dragon skin shedding problems
Incomplete or difficult shedding in Bearded dragons will also be evident by spending a lot of time in the water dish. Because sloughed skin does not come off as one piece, problematic shedding can often be seen as patches of skin that remain in certain places – typically around the tail, legs, feet/toes, around the eyes and around the spikes. The main reason for skin shedding problems in Bearded dragons is mite infections (see below). Also see how often a Bearded dragon shed for more information.
Juvenile Bearded dragon in the process of shedding its skin. It would not be surprising if this fellow spends some time in the water dish. Image by Jimmie James.
Soaking behaviour in Bearded dragons is often used by keepers to aid in the skin shedding process. Where it is not the case already, larger water dishes are deliberately added by some keepers to allow shedding Bearded dragons to soak. Also see safe and effective ways to help a shedding Bearded dragon for more information.
Mite infections in Bearded dragons
Skin mites in Bearded dragons are small, tiny tick-like parasites that inhabit the outside skin layers. These parasites tend to get stuck and loosen the outer layers of the skin, leading to excessive skin shedding. By soaking a Bearded dragon knows that shedding will go faster, leading to less irritation and itches. Also see mite infections in Bearded dragons for more information.
Overheating and dehydration
Soaking behaviour in Bearded dragons is often in indication that the environmental temperatures are too high. If this is the case, the Bearded dragon is prone to become overheated and dehydrated which can be life-threatening on its own. Soaking in water helps a Bearded dragon with cooling down and absorb water through the skin. In addition to soaking behaviour, a Bearded dragon might also try to escape the enclosure and/or breath with its mouth open.
For Bearded dragons, the environmental temperature should have a 24 – 34 ºC / 75 – 93 ºF temperature gradient which should be maintained by the heat source. If this gradient is not supplied, Bearded dragons will have no place to cool down or to regulate their temperatures when the basking area becomes too hot. An optimum humidity for Bearded dragons is on average about 50 – 60% – which is quite low compared to non-desert areas.
Impactions and/or obstructions
Very often dehydration is also a result of not enough moisture being absorbed through the intestines – e.g. in the case of an intestinal obstruction. An intestinal obstruction will also be highly suspicious if a Bearded dragon has a swollen abdomen and/or is not eating and defaecating. If this is the case, the best thing to do is to get your Bearded dragons to a reptile friendly veterinarian as soon as possible.
What Is The Bearded Dragon Bath Behavior?
The bearded dragon bath behavior is a behavior that involves the reptile submerging itself in water for extended periods of time. This behavior can be seen in both wild and captive bearded dragons, and is thought to be an instinctive behavior that helps them regulate their body temperature. It also helps them to keep their skin hydrated, which is important for maintaining healthy scales and shedding old skin. Bearded dragons will often soak in shallow water, such as a bathtub or a shallow pool.
Why Do Bearded Dragons Soak?
Every bearded dragon has its own individual preferences when it comes to soaking behavior, so you must pay close attention when placing him or her in water. Some may enjoy the warm soak while others may not. If you notice your furry friend acting a bit strangely in the water, it may be a sign that the water is bothering them – and this is definitely something to watch out for!
For younger dragons, taking time to teach them about shower time can be an effective way of getting them used to a bit of water. However, with older dragons, it pays to be extra careful and watch their reactions closely.
Bearded dragons have very different personalities and temperaments so it’s important to understand each one as much as possible. Taking the time to find out what makes your buddy happy will help you create a great environment where they feel comfortable enough to enjoy their soak without any negative effects on their wellbeing.
Do Bearded Dragons Like To Be In Water?
Bearded dragons can be affected by water phobia and some individuals may not take kindly to being placed in the bath. If your bearded dragon seems exceptionally stressed, it is best to stop bathing it. Alternatives such as misting or sprinkling small amounts of water on their body can help with hydration.
For those dragons that are comfortable with taking baths, you can do so regularly as it helps clean them and aids during shedding. Be careful when using cleaning products and opt for those with fewer ingredients – chemicals in the soap can be toxic to bearded dragons if they absorb them through their skin.
Overall, while some bearded dragons dislike water, others may get used to it over time – just be aware of the signs of stress your pet gives off during the process.
Why Do Bearded Dragons Hate Bath?
Bearded Dragons have a natural aversion to baths, and there could be various reasons for this. The temperature of the water should be warm but not too hot, sitting between 85-92 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal comfort. You’ll also want to make sure that the water does not reach above their necks, as this could lead to drowning.
If your Beardie hasn’t been exposed to bathing much since they were small, it might be difficult to get them used to it. Additionally, the water may at times be irritating to them so make sure you’re using fresh and pure H2O when you give them a once over.
So if you find that your Bearded Dragon isn’t a big fan of taking a dip, try misting them with clean water in order to hydrate them when they need it instead – although you know your pet best so use your instincts!
Bearded Dragon Tail Up In Bath
Bearded Dragons often raise their tails in the bath for one simple reason: they don’t want them to get wet! It’s a protective behavior that you should recognize, as it may mean that your bearded dragon is on alert or even able to breed.
To keep your pet healthy, make sure they are taking baths regularly and properly. Be sure to pay close attention to their reaction – if applicable – so you can respond appropriately. Additionally, ensure the water temperature is right for them and never let them soak for too long. After bathing, be sure that they are dried off gently before putting them back into their vivarium where they can absorb heat.
Every Bearded Dragon is different and it’s up to you use your instincts when caring for them correctly, but following the right steps will help ensure their favorite bath time activities are both safe and enjoyable.
How Do You Dry A Bearded Dragon After Soaking?
When it comes to drying your bearded dragon after a Soaking, there are two things you must remember. The first is that they’re cold-blooded and therefore rely completely on their environment for warmth, so getting them wet and letting them stay damp can be dangerous for their health.
The second is that when it comes to drying them, you need to take special care with young dragons since their legs are very fragile. To dry your bearded dragon carefully, wrap them in a towel and press gently to absorb the moisture without rubbing it back and forth.
If your bearded dragon doesn’t mind being rubbed afterward, then do so in the direction of their scales before placing them inside the vivarium with their heat lamps on for complete drying.
How Often Should I Soak My Baby Bearded Dragon?
When it comes to how often you should Soak your baby Bearded Dragon, the answer depends on the pet and the owner. Generally speaking, frequent Soaking is recommended in order to keep your dragon clean and healthy, as well as to help with hydration and make shedding easier.
During the first month after birth, it’s best not to give regular Soaks as dragons that young are too small for them. After a few months, however, you can start doing more frequent Soaking – depending on how comfortable your dragon is with them.
Some owners might prefer a once per week Soak while others could opt for three times a week or even daily baths if your bearded dragon has been trained to release itself during each Soak.
Be sure to habituate your Bearded Dragons to this type of bathing when they’re young so that there will be no undue stress or discomfort as they get older.
How Can I Tell If My Bearded Dragon Is Dehydrated?
If you’re unsure whether your bearded dragon is suffering from dehydration, there are some indicators to watch for. Firstly, you may notice that their skin looks wrinkled or has decreased elasticity when pinched.
Furthermore, their eyes might appear sunken. Additionally, their saliva may have a tackiness that isn’t usually there.
If any of these signs apply to your beloved pet, then unfortunately it looks like your bearded dragon is dehydrated and needs some extra TLC. When this happens, act quickly and provide them with plenty of hydration and care!
How Long Can I Give My Bearded Dragon A Bath?
When it comes to giving your bearded dragon a bath, you won’t want to exceed 30 minutes of time in the water. Trying to make them stay longer than that may stress them out and put too much pressure on their bodies.
However, if they start leaving the bath before the 30 minutes are up, don’t rush them out or force them back inside – let them have their way as long as it’s safe for them.
Regular bathing is recommended for your bearded dragon and it will become more comfortable with extended baths over time.
So although you don’t want to push their limits by making them stay in the bath for too long at one time, if they don’t leave after drinking or pooping in there, that’s ok too!
Bearded Dragon Soak Soap, Safe Or Not Safe?
When it comes to bathing your bearded dragon, using any type of soap or detergent is a definite no-go. The only things you really need are just clean water and a soft brush.
In fact, beardies will often take a sip out of their bathwater, thus making it even more important to make sure the water is chemical-free. Regardless of whether marketed as “organic” or pet-safe, all these products should be avoided.
To properly care for your beardie during bath time, make sure to remove any feces from the water or replace it if your dragon decides to do its business in the bathtub.
As you get used to their bathing habits it might also be useful to have two separate basins – that way you can quickly transfer them over if needed.
Should You Bathe Your Bearded Dragon While Shedding?
Bearded dragons go through a shedding process, which is why regular baths, while they are shedding, can be beneficial.
Giving your dragon frequent baths during the shedding season (3-4 times a week) can help the skin loosen up and aid the animal in successfully getting rid of dead skin that might get stuck on its toes and joints. Some owners even opt for daily baths to make sure everything is coming off properly.
It’s very important to avoid using force when removing any loose or dry skin as it can harm the new skin still growing underneath. Gently brushing in the direction of the scales will help, but it’s best to do so with caution.
You don’t want to damage your bearded dragon’s sensitive new skin! Providing frequent baths while your bearded dragon is shedding can help ensure that their skin comes off easily and that they remain healthy, so keep them hydrated with regular baths throughout their shedding season!
It is important to remember that when it comes to bathing your bearded dragon, you should not exceed 30 minutes of time in the water. Regular bathing is recommended for your bearded dragon and it will become more comfortable with extended baths over time.
Additionally, using any type of soap or detergent is a definite no-go and only clean water and a soft brush should be used. Lastly, providing frequent baths while your bearded dragon is shedding can help ensure that their skin comes off easily and that they remain healthy. With these tips in mind, you can ensure that your beloved pet remains happy and healthy!