Bearded dragons come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Some people think that baby bearded dragons get along better with each other than adults do and they want to keep them together. But can they really be kept together?
The answer to this question isn’t a simple yes or no. There are many factors at play when it comes to keeping baby bearded dragons together, such as their size and age as well as available housing and food sources.
In this article, we’ll look at the pros and cons of keeping baby bearded dragons together and discuss some important considerations that you should make before deciding if it’s the right choice for you.

How Many Babies Do Bearded Dragons Have?
When it comes to how many babies a female bearded dragon will have after mating, there is no set number. It varies from dragon to dragon, and even within the same female. Generally speaking, the number of offspring per clutch starts at around 12-15 on the lower end and can increase up to 35 in extreme cases.
On average, if all goes well and the eggs are fertile, you can expect around 20 baby beardies per clutch. However, this number may be lower or higher depending on factors like age, size, and the health of the mother.
So in summary, when it comes to how many babies bearded dragons have at one time – it really just depends!
Can Baby Bearded Dragons Coexist In The Same Tank?
It is possible for baby bearded dragons to coexist in the same tank, but there are a few steps that must be taken in order to ensure their safety and health. Firstly, because baby bearded dragons are highly territorial, it’s essential to monitor them closely. Additionally, it’s important to provide enough space in the enclosure so that each dragon has its own area. Lastly, the tank must have proper heating and ventilation to keep them healthy.
As far as mating goes, male and female dragons can’t physically be present at the same time – males will harass females to mate with them which could potentially result in the death of one dragon. To determine whether you have a male or female bearded dragon, there are simple ways of doing this so you know what combination you can put together for pairing purposes.
Lastly, temperatures should remain consistent during both day and night; between 95-110°F for basking during daytime hours; with 65-75°F throughout the whole tank at night. Baby bearded dragons crave comfort and stability so make sure the environment is enjoyable for them!
Keep Your Bearded Dragons Separate: Solo Housing For Safety
Bearded dragons make fantastic pets, but one important aspect of keeping them safe and healthy is to keep them in individual enclosures. Keeping two or more bearded dragons together can become aggressive and dangerous. Even two baby bearded dragons who are the same size and age should not be housed in the same tank or enclosure, as they could still become aggressive toward each other.
It’s recommended that adult male bearded dragons be kept individually, while female adults may do fine if housed together but with ample space so they maintain their own territory. Keep in mind that crowding them will always increase the chances of aggression within the group. So if you have multiple bearded dragons, always provide plenty of space for each and give every animal its own home for safety!
Do Bearded Dragons Live Together In The Wild
Bearded dragons, also known as Pogona vitticeps, are native to the deserts of Australia. In the wild, they are solitary creatures and live alone in their own territory. They will come together to bask in the sun or mate but otherwise keep to themselves. When kept in captivity with other bearded dragons, it’s important to make sure they have plenty of space and resources available to avoid territorial disputes that can lead to stress and even injury.
Male bearded dragons cannot live together due to their territorial tendencies. Two males in the same tank will often fight for dominance which can lead to unhealthy living conditions when food scarcity becomes an issue. A male and female bearded dragon may cohabitate in the same tank providing a large enough habitat (minimum 4 gallons) is provided for them both. Even then, a dominant dragon can still prevent their partner from feeding or warming up properly. It is not suggested that you introduce a baby into an adult environment either as this will only cause further bullying problems among them.
In conclusion, bearded dragons typically live alone in the wild and therefore should not be forced into living with another reptile or chelonian without ample resources provided for each individual creature’s needs. To ensure both lizards have everything they need while living together such as adequate food sources, heat lamps, and enough space – using a tank size of a minimum of 4 gallons per dragon is suggested when selecting a housing situation for your pet reptiles or chelonians.
Can You Raise Two Baby Bearded Dragons Together?
Raising two baby bearded dragons is possible, but it can also present a number of challenges so it’s important to exercise extreme caution. The most common advice for this is to never put more than one male in the same tank. And, when introducing females, they should be at least two years old (old enough to breed), and make sure they are in good health and condition.
Younger, smaller, or unhealthy dragons may be more prone to egg binding or similar problems because they are not yet used to each other’s dominance hierarchies within the tank. Additionally, overcrowding means there will be less prey and resources available for even a single dragon, so housing more than one means those resources will have to go further – which could create issues with nutrition if done incorrectly.
Can You Put A Baby Bearded Dragon With A Big Bearded Dragon?
You must never put a baby bearded dragon in the same cage as an adult one, no matter how big or small they are. Bearded dragons are solitary creatures and while it may seem like they could all be happy living together, it can result in disaster, injury, and even death.
An adult beardie is capable of consuming a baby as a snack if given the opportunity; so that possibility should not even be entertained. Adult beardies will easily overpower babies when competing for food and basking spots, making it extremely difficult for the baby to survive.
Even if harm doesn’t come to them physically, competition between them creates instability within the cage that can lead to serious stress resulting in illness or death. Therefore the safest thing you can do for both of your dragons is to keep them separate at all times.
Why Bearded Dragons Should Not Live Together
It is never a good idea to have two bearded dragons living together, as it can be dangerous for both animals. Even though they might seem to get along initially, the potential risk of stress and injury is too great. Bearded dragons are solitary creatures in the wild, meaning they do not form social bonds with other beardies.
These reptiles naturally thrive when living alone, not needing interaction or company from their own species to feel content. So keeping two bearded Dragons in one enclosure will only cause them unnecessary distress and could lead to aggression – something that should be avoided at all costs. Beardies require their own space to truly be happy and healthy – so having them live together just isn’t worth it!
What to Do If You Have Multiple Dragons
When it comes to bearded dragons, proper husbandry is key to their health and happiness. This includes providing the right enclosure size, appropriate temperature and humidity levels, a variety of plants and hiding spots, and a varied diet.
Give One Beardie Away
If you find yourself with two beardies and want to make sure they both stay happy and healthy, the best solution is to give one away. It’s hard to fathom, but this decision might be what’s best for both of them in the end.
Although it can be difficult to part with one of your Beardies, especially if you’ve become attached to them both, the safest option is to divide them up into separate homes. This will remove any potential problems that could arise between two individuals that are housed together. Giving one of your Beardies away may not seem like a good idea right now, but it could mean happier pets in the future.
Get Multiple Tanks
If you have more than one beardie and want to keep them both, getting a second tank set up is the way to go. Though it may cost a bit more in terms of money, you will be thankful later on when both your beardies get ample space to roam around. It’ll also give them both a better chance for physical and mental stimulation as they explore the new environment.
Plus, if you set up the tanks side-by-side, watch your beardies interact with each other as they show off interesting behaviors that make owning two a truly rewarding experience!
Do Bearded Dragons Need Company? I Think It Is Lonely
Bearded dragons are often mistaken for needing company, as many people worry that their pet beards are lonely when left alone. But this isn’t the case; Bearded Dragons don’t need other Bearded Dragons to be happy and content, even if they may appear to miss you or change their behavior when separated from you.
But My Bearded Dragons Cuddle All The Time
It might seem like your Bearded Dragons are always cuddling, but it isn’t true. In actuality, they’re trying to get their body at the best temperature possible by huddling under the heating spot. Though this is natural behavior, it could also be a sign that your pet feels oppressed or crowded in its tank and may need more space.
A tank smaller than 100 gallons could spell disaster – it’s no place for your dragon to play hide and seek!
Overall, it is not recommended that you keep baby bearded dragons together. Although they may appear affectionate when kept in pairs or groups, this could lead to aggressive behaviors later on in life as they age.
Instead, we recommend keeping them separately and providing plenty of enrichment activities such as sand baths, rocks for basking, and correct temperatures for an optimal environment. This way your pet beardie will remain healthy, happy, and safe.