Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries?

Bearded dragons are popular pets that require a balanced diet to stay healthy. While they primarily eat insects and vegetables, it’s important to know which fruits they can safely consume.

One fruit that many bearded dragon owners wonder about is raspberries. Are they safe for these reptiles to eat? In this article, we’ll explore the nutritional value of raspberries and whether or not bearded dragons can enjoy this sweet treat.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries

Bearded dragons can eat raspberries, but they should only be given as a treat. Their main diet should consist of a mixture of live insects and vegetables because too many raspberries can cause digestive problems for them.

Are Raspberries Safe for Bearded Dragons

Some berries, like blueberries, are safe for bearded dragons in moderation. Raspberries are also considered berries. However, too many berries can be harmful because they contain high levels of sugar, oxalates, and phosphorus. It’s best to feed them to your bearded dragon occasionally in small amounts.

Nutritional Value Of Raspberries

Raspberries are not only delicious but also have many nutritional benefits. They contain vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C, E, and K, as well as antioxidants that can help prevent cell damage. However, they also have high sugar content, so they should be fed carefully to pets with metabolic conditions like diabetes.

Raspberries also have a high water content, which can help keep pets hydrated, but over-indulging can be harmful. Lastly, raspberries are a great source of fiber, which can help with satiety and keep the gastrointestinal tract healthy.

Nutritional Value Of Raspberries

Nutrients of 100 grams of fresh and raw raspberries

Nutrient NameAmount
Water85.8 g
Energy52 kcal
Protein1.2 g
Calcium25 mg
Phosphorus29 mg
Sugars4.42 g
Dietary Fiber6.5 g
Vitamin C26.2 mg
Vitamin A2 ug
Vitamin E0.87 mg
Copper0.09 mg
Magnesium22 mg
Niacin0.6 mg
Pantothenic acid0.33 mg
Lutein + zeaxanthin136 ugs
Ca:P ratio1:1.2

How Often Should Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries

Bearded dragons should only eat raspberries occasionally, as part of a treat rather than a regular part of their diet. One or two raspberries every other week is the most they should have. Feeding them too many raspberries can lead to health issues such as bone disorders like metabolic bone disease, caused by the oxalate content in the fruit.

Phosphorus and sugar content in raspberries can also cause problems, such as bone disorders and digestive issues. It’s important to keep raspberries as a treat, in moderation, to avoid these issues.

Health Benefits of Raspberries For Bearded Dragons

Raspberries are a great treat for bearded dragons, offering both taste and health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of feeding raspberries to your beardie:

1. Antioxidants

Raspberries are packed with antioxidants, which can help prevent cell damage and keep your beardie healthy and looking young.

2. Vitamins

Raspberries contain essential vitamins like C, E, and K, which are important for your beardie’s overall health.

3. Minerals

While raspberries are not as high in calcium as some other foods, they do contain important minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.

4. Sweet Treats

Bearded dragons love sweet treats just like humans do, and raspberries are a great way to offer a healthy and tasty snack.

5. Water Content

Raspberries are also high in water, which is important for keeping your beardie hydrated. If your beardie doesn’t drink from a bowl, feeding them water-rich foods like raspberries can help keep them healthy and hydrated.

Can Raspberries Be Harmful to Bearded Dragons

Feeding your pet bearded dragon raspberries can come with certain risks and hazards that should be considered.

1. Choking Hazard

Raspberries can be large and slippery, which can pose a choking hazard for smaller or younger dragons. It’s recommended to cut them into smaller pieces to make them more manageable for your pet.

2. Digestion Problems / Sugar Content

Raspberries have a high sugar content, which can lead to obesity, dehydration, digestion problems, diarrhea, tooth decay, and inappetence in bearded dragons. Regular consumption of raspberries can lead to serious health issues, so it’s important to monitor their intake.

3. Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio

Bearded dragons require a specific balance of calcium and phosphorus in their diet to maintain good health. Raspberries have an unbalanced phosphorus and calcium ratio, which can lead to illnesses like a metabolic bone disease if not balanced with calcium supplementation.

4. Moderately high levels of oxalates

Raspberries have a relatively high amount of oxalates, with about 48 mg of oxalic acid per cup. Oxalates can be harmful to bearded dragons because they bind with minerals like calcium and can cause mineral deficiencies. They can also lead to kidney stones and renal problems. It’s important to monitor the amount of oxalic acid in your bearded dragon’s diet.

Overall, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and hazards associated with feeding your bearded dragon raspberries and to monitor their intake to ensure their health and well-being.

Preparing Raspberries For Your Bearded Dragon

To ensure your bearded dragon’s health, it’s important to provide a balanced and nutritious diet. Here are steps to prepare raspberries for your pet:

Choose Fresh Raspberries

Select ripe and fresh raspberries for your bearded dragon. Avoid any that are moldy or rotten.

Wash the Raspberries

Wash the raspberries thoroughly with clean water. This will remove any chemicals or pesticides that may have been used during the growing process.

Chop the Raspberries

Cut the raspberries in half to make them easier for your bearded dragon to swallow. This will also help prevent choking.

Serve the Raspberries

You can serve the raspberries in a bowl as part of a salad or offer them to your bearded dragon directly from your hand. Remember to provide a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure a balanced diet for your pet.

By following these simple steps, you can provide your bearded dragon with a healthy and delicious treat.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries

Baby bearded dragons can eat raspberries in moderation, but it’s important not to overfeed them. Their diet mainly consists of live insects for protein, but they can have some fruits and vegetables.

Feeding them a handful of raspberries is not a good idea as it can cause digestive issues. It’s important to exercise restraint and not give in to the temptation of giving them more than one raspberry.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberry Seeds

Bearded dragons can eat raspberry seeds without any problems. The seeds are very small and usually pass through their system without causing any issues.

However, it’s important to only offer raspberries as an occasional treat and not to overfeed them. Raspberry seeds develop in small pockets within the fruit, and each section contains a seed.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberry Leaves

Bearded dragons can eat raspberry leaves in moderation. While they shouldn’t replace their regular greens, the leaves can be a nice addition to their meals every once in a while.

Raspberry leaves are soft and have a nice crunch that beardies will enjoy, and they’re also full of nutrients. These leaves have a long history of medicinal use and can even be brewed for teas and other drinks.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberry Jam

No, bearded dragons should not eat raspberry jam or preserves because they contain added sugar and lack nutritional content. Stick to fresh raspberries for your lizard’s health.

Can Bearded Dragons Drink Raspberry Juice

Bearded dragons already consume a lot of water when they eat raspberries, so it’s not necessary to give them raspberry juice. However, if you do decide to give them raspberry juice, make sure it’s fresh and doesn’t contain any preservatives. Be mindful of the sugar content and consider leaving the juice in the raspberry when feeding your dragons.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried Raspberries

No, it’s not a good idea to feed your bearded dragon dried raspberries because they have higher sugar content. Stick with fresh raspberries instead.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Frozen Raspberries

It’s not recommended to give bearded dragons frozen raspberries because they can be a choking hazard due to their hardness. It’s best to avoid offering them frozen raspberries, even if they are in smaller pieces.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Black Raspberries

Bearded dragons can eat black raspberries without any issues. Black raspberries are higher in some antioxidants than red raspberries, but the decision to feed them to your dragon may come down to their personal preference. Every bearded dragon has their own unique taste preferences.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wild Raspberries

Bearded dragons can eat wild raspberries, but they are not the ideal option. Wild raspberries are smaller and contain fewer nutrients and less sugar due to the challenging growing conditions. Normal raspberries are a better option because they have more nutritional benefits and fiber content.

It can also be difficult to determine the correct amount of wild raspberries to feed your dragon. Stick to traditionally grown raspberries for your bearded dragon’s diet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Expired Raspberries

It’s not recommended to feed your bearded dragon expired raspberries as harmful bacteria can build up and make your pet sick. Additionally, expired fruit no longer contains the nutrients and minerals that are beneficial to your dragon.

It’s best to feed your reptile 100% organic fruit to avoid any chemicals or pesticides, but non-organic fruit is still fine as long as it’s washed thoroughly before serving.


How Many Raspberries Should I Give My Bearded Dragon?

It’s best to consult with a veterinarian who can provide expert advice on your bearded dragon’s diet. They can help determine how many raspberries to give your pet based on their specific needs. The amount of food you should offer will depend on their overall diet and appetite. If your dragon is leaving food behind, it may be a sign that they are being offered too much food.

How Can I Feed Raspberries To My Bearded Dragon?

To feed your bearded dragon raspberries, choose fresh raw fruits and avoid processed or cooked ones. Thoroughly wash and chop the raspberries into small pieces. You can mix them with other greens or offer them as a treat. Monitor your beardie for any adverse reactions and watch their stool for signs of digestive issues. If you notice any problems, consult with a veterinarian.

How Often Can I Feed My Bearded Dragon Raspberries?

You can feed your bearded dragon raspberries as an occasional treat. A safe amount would be two to three raspberries every two weeks, or once a month if you prefer. Just make sure not to give them too much sugar, as raspberries are high in sugar and too much can be harmful to your dragon’s health.


In conclusion, while bearded dragons can eat raspberries in moderation, it’s important to remember that they should not make up a significant part of their diet. As with any new food, introduce raspberries slowly and monitor your bearded dragon’s reaction.

With proper care and attention, your bearded dragon can enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy and balanced diet.