Can bearded dragons eat grapes? This is a common question among pet owners who want to ensure their bearded dragon gets a balanced and healthy diet. Bearded dragons are omnivorous and can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, but not all foods are safe for them to consume.
Grapes are a popular fruit and can be a healthy snack for humans, but can they be a safe and nutritious addition to a bearded dragon’s diet?
In this article, we’ll explore the nutritional benefits and potential risks of feeding grapes to bearded dragons, as well as provide tips on how to incorporate this fruit into their diet safely.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes
Bearded dragons can safely eat grapes, but there are some conditions to keep in mind. Grapes are among the many fruits that these reptiles can consume. According to the research, bearded dragons show a preference for consuming fruits rather than vegetables and greens.
However, it’s important to note that they should not eat grape seeds. As the owner, it’s your responsibility to carefully inspect each grape for seeds before feeding it to your pet. You can serve grapes with or without the skin, but always remember to remove the seeds first.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes
Grapes are suitable food for bearded dragons, but it’s crucial to avoid overfeeding them. Grapes can be offered once a week. It’s recommended to limit the amount to no more than two grapes per serving.
This applies to adult bearded dragons. Even baby bearded dragons can have grapes, but it’s important to limit their intake to half a grape per week to prevent them from consuming too much sugar or fruit acid.
Why It is Important to Limit the Amount of Grapes
While grapes may seem like a healthy treat for your bearded dragon, it’s essential to limit the amount you feed them. Oxalates found in grapes can bind to calcium in the body, potentially leading to calcium deficiencies in bearded dragons. Additionally, grapes have a high water content which can cause diarrhea and dehydration in your lizard.
While they do contain fiber, grapes also have sugar and fruit acid which can be harmful to your beardie’s health. Furthermore, the seeds in grapes can cause impaction, leading to bowel obstructions and potential health issues. If you notice your bearded dragon is not defecating after eating grapes, there are steps you can take to help them, such as giving them a warm bath or a homemade laxative.
However, if your lizard goes seven days without defecating, it’s important to take them to a reptile veterinarian. Overall, while grapes can be a tasty treat for your bearded dragon, it’s important to limit their intake to avoid potential health issues.
How To Prepare Grapes For Your Beardie
If you want to feed your bearded dragon grapes, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to check all grapes for seeds and remove them to avoid impaction. It is safe to feed your beardie grapes with the skin on, as they can easily digest it.
To make it easier for your lizard to eat, cut each grape into four smaller pieces. You can serve the grapes by themselves as a treat, or mix them with vegetables to encourage your beardie to eat more greens.
When feeding your bearded dragon, it is recommended to limit the intake of grapes. However, grape leaves can be offered as frequently as desired. Grape leaves are a nutritious food option for lizards due to their high calcium and protein content, as well as low phosphorus levels.
Do Grape Colors Or Kinds Matter
Bearded dragons are known to enjoy eating grapes, particularly those that are red, purple, and green. These types of grapes are safe for them to consume. However, it is important to note that each bearded dragon may have their own preferences when it comes to the types of grapes they enjoy.
To ensure the safety of your bearded dragon, it is important to carefully check all grapes for seeds and slice them into small pieces before serving.
The Nutritional Value of Grapes
A single cup of grapes contains | Two grapes once a week contains |
288 milligrams of potassium | 18 milligrams of potassium |
11 milligrams of magnesium | 0.68 milligrams of magnesium |
15 milligrams of calcium | 0.94 milligrams of calcium |
30 milligrams of phosphorus | 1.88 milligrams of phosphorus |
1.4 grams of fiber | 0.09 grams of fiber |
4.8 milligrams of vitamin C | 0.3 milligrams of vitamin C |
22 milligrams of vitamin K | 1.38 milligrams of vitamin K |
Health Benefits of Grapes for Bearded Dragons
Grapes can be a great addition to your bearded dragon’s diet, as they offer a variety of health benefits. These fruits are rich in nutrients that can help improve cognitive function, regulate blood sugar levels, provide antioxidants to fight free radicals and promote a healthy digestive tract.
Bearded dragons may develop a preference for a specific type of grape due to the variety available. Consider adding grapes to your pet’s diet to help support their overall health and wellbeing.
Risks of Eating Grapes for Bearded Dragons
While bearded dragons can eat grapes, it’s important to note that the fruit should only make up 10% of their overall diet. This is because grapes are high in sugar, which can be harmful to your lizard’s health if consumed in large amounts.
It’s important to give grapes in small doses as they can provide necessary nutrients for your beardie’s body. So, while it’s okay for your bearded dragon to enjoy grapes, it’s important to be mindful of the risks associated with their consumption.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grape Seeds?
Grape seeds are not good for bearded dragons to eat. Grapes are nutritious, but the seeds can cause gut compaction and prevent pooping. To avoid this issue, it is recommended to buy seedless grapes.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grape Skins?
Leaving the skin on grapes is suggested when feeding them to bearded dragons, as it contains essential micronutrients and minerals. Bearded dragons tend to enjoy grapes, regardless of the skin.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grape Leaves?
Grape leaves are a suitable food for bearded dragons. Grape leaves have important nutrients and are a popular food for many bearded dragons. Unlike grapes, they don’t have harmful sugars or acids that could hurt your pet.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes Every Day?
Grapes can be given to bearded dragons as a weekly treat. Don’t give too many grapes at once. 1-2 chopped grapes once a week are enough. Amount and frequency depend on age and diet.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green or Red Grapes?
Bearded dragons are able to consume grapes of all colors, with some potentially exhibiting a slight preference. However, many will consume green, red, and black grapes without issue.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes When Dried?
Raisins are dried grapes. Bearded dragons can eat grapes without issues, but raisins have more sugar than grapes. While not toxic, caution is advised.
In conclusion, while grapes can be a tasty treat for your bearded dragon, it’s important to remember that they should only be given in moderation. As with any new food, always introduce grapes slowly and keep an eye on your pet for any adverse reactions.
With a balanced and varied diet, your bearded dragon can thrive and enjoy the occasional grape as a special treat. So go ahead, spoil your scaly friend with a grape or two!