Bearded Dragon owners are often confused and surprised when they start noticing white, black, and even red specks in their dragon’s poo. They may not have expected it, but this is quite normal – a bearded dragon’s excrement typically contains an almost equal proportion of white and black elements.
But why is that? In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind the curious colors of a bearded dragon’s poop. More importantly, we’ll draw on medical knowledge to help us understand if these colors indicate a health problem or simply reflect their diet.
Finally, our analysis will offer practical advice to all Bearded Dragon keepers who want to make sure their beloved pet is enjoying optimal health.

Abnormal Bearded Dragon Poop Colors
Bearded dragons typically have poop that is a combination of white and brown, but sometimes their poop has colors that are abnormal. If you see the bearded dragon’s poop being red, green, or even yellow, there could be many explanations behind this.
It could be caused by the type of insect they ate, certain greens in their diet, or any other variety of things. Regardless of the cause, it’s important to investigate further to determine what may actually be causing any noticeable color change in their poop so that it can be addressed if necessary.
What Should Bearded Dragon Poop Look Like?
A Bearded Dragon’s poop should be a sure sign of good health. It should generally be brown, firm in its consistency, and log-shaped with white urate at the end. The white portion of the bowel movement is known as urate and it ought to have a soft consistency without emanating any foul smell.
In contrast to other reptiles, bearded dragons do not pee; rather they secrete a uric acid paste in order to excrete nitrogenous waste from their bodies while conserving water. If you detect changes in the color or consistency of your lizard’s dung, don’t worry too much – these are common occurrences that may not be prominent cause for concern.
However if such changes occur alongside other indicators like lethargy and lack of appetite, then careful observation and further investigation are recommended.
Fortunately, it shouldn’t be hard to spot; just keep an eye out for signs that your pet is feeling unhealthy such as changes in behavior or excrement.
Healthy Bearded Dragon Poop
When it comes to bearded dragons, healthy poop looks and smells just as you’d expect – no surprises here! A well-fed bearded dragon will produce a log-shaped stool that is firm in texture, brown in color, and features white or yellow urate at the end.
The urate is a kind of uric acid paste which helps remove excess nitrogen from the body without using up too much water. This means that you’ll likely see both feces and urate together once your beardie has gone to the bathroom.
Additionally, it’s not uncommon for the feces to darken slightly over time, so one shouldn’t worry too much about that. However, if there are any major changes in texture, color, or frequency of bowel movements along with other symptoms such as loss of appetite or fatigue, then it’s best to go ahead and seek a vet consult immediately.
Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop
If you own a bearded dragon, one of the most important indicators of its health can be found in the texture, color, and frequency of its bowel movements. Any changes could be an indication that something is wrong with your pet.
Runny poop – or diarrhea – should especially not be ignored since it can cause dehydration if left untreated. Signs that your beardie may have runny poop include lethargy, a loss of appetite, and weight loss.
It’s important to know what different colors and textures may mean when it comes to your pet’s poop as these clues can help you identify any potential issues. To get more information on resolving digestive issues in your bearded dragon, be sure to read our post on treating bearded dragon diarrhea.
Why is Bearded Dragon Poop White and Black?
Bearded dragons excrete waste differently than humans and other mammals. Instead, they produce something called “urates” which is a waste product of their kidneys. When a bearded dragon is healthy, their urate will normally be white and its poop will typically be brown.
However, there are times when you might notice that the bearded dragon poop is white and black instead of just brown. This could indicate a few different things – it could be an infection or parasites, or something more serious such as kidney failure. If you see this happening with your own beardie, it’s important to take them to the vet for a checkup right away.
Bearded Dragon White Poop
If your pet bearded dragon has a white stool, it could be a sign of dehydration. Look for signs of stringy saliva, as this is also a symptom of poor hydration.
Luckily, keeping your beardie hydrated is easy! Immerse it in a shallow bath for about fifteen minutes to rehydrate it and moisten its skin.
To prevent dehydration in the future, ensure that the enclosure temperature never exceeds 105°F (40°C) and that your reptile has access to plenty of fresh clean water.
If there’s more than one instance of white stool, you should take your friend straight away to a veterinarian as dehydration can lead to serious health issues.
On the other hand, if their droppings only contain urates, this means they might be overprotected or require more food intake – offer them some yummy meals and see if there’s any change in their poops’ composition. If not, find an experienced vet and get everything checked out.
What Does White In The Poop Mean?
If you have a pet bearded dragon, then you may have noticed that their poop is not like the typical animal waste that you’re familiar with. Instead, it has both fecal matter and urates. The stools are usually brown in hue while the rates tend to be white.
So if you see white in your beardie’s poop, don’t worry – it’s totally normal! This is just part of their digestive process and doesn’t indicate any sort of health issue or problem on their behalf. Healthy beardies will usually have some white portions in their poop which should put your fears to rest.
Bearded Dragon Black Poop
Bearded dragon owners need to be careful of black colored poop in their pet’s enclosure. This could be a sign that the dragon’s diet isn’t balanced enough and consists of too many insects and not enough vegetables. For an adult beardie, their diet should approximately include 25% insects and 75% leafy greens, vegetables, and some fruits.
If your bearded dragon eats plenty of greens and still produces black stools, you might want to get the stools examined by a vet. Make sure to also look out for signs of impaction, watery or foul smelling stools as they could be indications of parasites or other internal problems such as blockages or even bleeding. It is important to visit a professional vet if you are unsure about what kind of problems your bearded dragon may have to ensure a speedy recovery!
What to do When You See Black Bearded Dragon Poop
When you spot black-bearded dragon poop in the enclosure, it’s important to take note of what this could mean. Many times, it is an indication that your beardie’s diet is out of balance. Younger dragons, need more bugs to help get the necessary amount of protein in their diets; while adults should mostly be consuming 70% veggies and greens with 30% insect matter.
It’s even possible that the normal brown poop can turn black due to being close to heat lamps or on a heating pad. If the poop is hard and solid, it could be an impaction issue, and baths with some extra hydration through fruits such as papaya, mangoes, applesauce, or watermelon can help remedy this at home. Otherwise, if your dragon has watery black poops then parasites could also be at hand which would require taking a stool sample to your vet for further evaluation and ruling out any underlying issues. Monitor your dragon closely in case there are any changes in behavior or other similar poops that may arise.
What is the white stuff in a bearded dragon’s poop?
Many people who own bearded dragons will see white at the end of their dragon’s bowel movements. This white substance is known as urates and is a waste product from your beardie’s kidneys. It is actually a combination of water, urea, salts, and pigments – much like evolved urine in other animals.
Urates are important because they help to maintain electrolyte balance and expel excess nitrogen within the body. The urates outputted by your dragon should be whiteish in color, but if you find that it has turned an orange or yellow color, then it could be an indication of a health problem such as parasites or dehydration. Bearded dragons produce only urate when they poop since they don’t pee – so make sure to keep an eye out for any changes!
Bearded dragons poop white and black due to their diet and the bacteria that live in their intestines. This combination of factors allows for a normal, healthy pooping pattern for most bearded dragons. If you see any abnormal coloring or consistency in your dragon’s poop, then it may be indicative of a health issue and should be looked into. Generally, however, having white and black droppings is perfectly normal.