Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles with a varied diet, which can include fruits, vegetables, and even some insects. Corn is a commonly available food, but owners may be unsure if they can feed it to their pet dragons.
In this article, we will answer the question of whether bearded dragons can eat corn and explore the benefits and potential health risks associated with including it in their regular diet.
As bearded dragon owners, it’s essential to know what is safe and healthy for our pets, and by reading this article carefully, you’ll be able to make informed decisions on what to feed your pet dragon.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Corn
Bearded dragons can consume corn as it contains essential nutrients that can be beneficial for their overall health. However, it’s important to remember that raw corn has a poor calcium to phosphorus ratio which can lead to health issues such as metabolic bone disease. It is therefore recommended to feed corn in moderation, as an occasional treat, and in small amounts.
Additionally, cooked corn without any seasoning or canned corn with low sodium content can also be given to your bearded dragon. Ensure to maintain a balanced diet for your pet, including a variety of healthy foods such as leafy greens, sweet potato, green beans, collard greens, mustard greens, and beet greens. Avoid giving popcorn or individual kernels to your bearded dragon as it can lead to digestive issues.
Is It Safe For Bearded Dragons To Eat Corn
Bearded dragons can safely eat corn since they don’t contain any harmful toxins that could harm them. However, it’s important to keep in mind the calcium to phosphorus ratio in their diet, particularly in corn. Too much phosphorus in your beardie’s diet can lead to the development of metabolic bone disease (MBD).
MBD is a painful condition that affects their bones and could even cause paralysis, eventually leading to death if not treated in time. Therefore, it’s crucial to feed your pet corn on an occasional basis only.
It’s also important to note that canned corn may contain high levels of sodium and preservatives, which can be harmful to your bearded dragon’s health. Cooked corn without additional seasoning can be given to your beardie as a treat, as long as it is fed in moderation.
While corn may have some nutritive value, it’s essential to feed your bearded dragon a variety of other healthy foods like leafy greens, sweet potato, and green beans to maintain a nutritious diet and avoid any negative health impacts. In conclusion, corn is safe for bearded dragons provided it is fed in moderation and forms a small part of their regular diet.
Is It Healthy For Bearded Dragons To Eat Corn
Corn is an excellent source of nutrition for your bearded dragons, which makes it a tasty and nutritious treat. Corn is good for hydration as it contains up to 77% water, which can help keep your beardies hydrated, particularly during the summer season.
Corn is also a great source of energy, thanks to the carbohydrates and thiamine or vitamin B1 it contains. This essential nutrient provides your pet dragon with the energy it needs to maintain a healthy metabolic rate.
Another health benefit of feeding corn to bearded dragons is that it strengthens their immune system. Corn is high in vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in enhancing the immune system. A strong immune system lowers the risk of various health issues, including metabolic bone disease, which can be a serious health risk for bearded dragons.
While corn provides several health benefits to your bearded dragon, it’s important to remember that it should only be given as an occasional treat and not as a regular part of their diet. A poor calcium to phosphorus ratio in corn can lead to digestive issues and poor calcium absorption.
Nutritional Value of Corn
To properly understand the impact of corn on bearded dragons, let’s delve into its nutritional value. A single cup of sweet, yellow corn contains 177 calories, 41 grams of carbs, 5.4 grams of protein, and 2.1 grams of fat.
It also includes 4.6 grams of dietary fiber and the daily value (DV) of vitamin C at 17%, thiamine (vitamin B1) at 24%, and folate (vitamin B9) at 19%. Moreover, corn is an excellent source of magnesium at 11% of the DV and potassium at 10%.
Nutritional Value Per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Name | Amount | Unit |
Water | 76.05 | g |
Energy | 86 | kcal |
Protein | 3.27 | g |
Carbohydrate | 18.7 | g |
Calcium | 2 | mg |
Phosphorus | 89 | mg |
Vitamin B-6 | 0.093 | mg |
Fatty acids | 0.325 | g |
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Corn Every Day
When it comes to feeding your bearded dragon, corn should not be a regular part of their diet. Firstly, corn is high in water which can lead to digestive issues and diarrhea. Secondly, corn has an imbalanced ratio of calcium-to-phosphorus, with a ratio of 1:45, which is not suitable for bearded dragons and could result in health problems in the long run.
While giving your beardy a nibble of corn is okay, feeding them corn on a regular basis is not recommended as it may lead to health issues. To achieve a balanced diet, captive reptiles need a variety of foods to choose from, including a healthy mix of greens, fruits, and live animals.
It’s important to note that different age groups of bearded dragons require different ratios of food mixture. Baby or juvenile bearded dragons require more protein for their rapid growth with a recommended ratio of 80% live animals (insects or worms) and 20% greens (fruits and vegetables). Meanwhile, adult bearded dragons should have an opposite food ratio, with 80% of fruits and vegetables and only 20% of insects and protein-rich foods.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Corn?
When it comes to bearded dragons’ diet, balance is key. While occasional treats like corn can be included in your beardie’s meal plan, it should not be a regular food source due to its poor calcium to phosphorus ratio. Corn has about 13 times more phosphorous than calcium, which is not ideal for your bearded dragon’s digestive system.
Feeding your pet dragon a diet high in corn can put their health at risk and result in serious health issues. Therefore, if you decide to give your beardie a small amount of corn, it should only be given as an occasional treat, once or twice per month.
It’s important to maintain your bearded dragon’s balanced diet, which should consist of a variety of nutritious foods to provide all the essential nutrients required for their overall health and well-being. By doing so, you can avoid digestive system problems and other health risks.
How To Feed Corn To Bearded Dragons
If you’re looking for a new healthy treat to add to your bearded dragons’ overall diet, you can certainly give corn to them in small parts. However, it’s essential to prepare the corn carefully before offering it to them. Here are some tips for safely feeding corn to your bearded dragons:
1. Washing Corn
Before feeding corn to your bearded dragons, wash the corn thoroughly to remove any pests and debris. It’s important to do this since bearded dragons have sensitive digestive systems, and any unwanted particles can lead to digestive issues.
2. Cutting Kernels
If you’re giving your beardies individual kernels of corn, don’t forget to cut the tips of the kernels to avoid any choking hazards. Alternatively, you can also cut the corn into small pieces, making it easy for your bearded dragons to eat.
3. Removing Husks
It’s best to remove the husks of the corn, primarily if you’re feeding them small pieces or kernels. The husk can be hard to digest and may even cause digestive issues. So, it’s better to remove the husk and offer them only the corn kernels.
4. Slightly Warm Corn
Bearded dragons prefer slightly warm food. So before giving them corn, you may want to warm it a bit. Just make sure it isn’t too hot, as it can burn their delicate mouths.
5. Monitor Behavior
If it’s your bearded dragons’ first time trying corn, make sure to monitor their behavior while eating. It’s a new food for them, and you want to make sure they handle it well. Offer them a small portion and observe their behavior for any signs of digestive issues or an allergic reaction.
Benefits of Feeding Corn to Bearded Dragon
Corn may be a nutritious addition to your bearded dragon’s diet, providing them with a hydration boost, energy, and essential vitamins.
1. Provides Essential Vitamins
Corn is rich in essential vitamins like thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate, which are all beneficial for the growth and development of your pet dragon. These vitamins can support your bearded dragon’s dietary intake and keep them healthy.
2. Good Source of Fiber
Corn is also an excellent source of dietary fiber. Fiber is necessary for keeping the digestive system working correctly while also maintaining a healthy weight. Bearded dragons that have an insufficient fiber diet may suffer from digestion problems, including constipation.
3. Boosts Hydration and Energy
Corn is also rich in complex carbohydrates, which can provide energy to your bearded dragon. Besides, the hydration boost provided by corn is highly beneficial for your pet’s overall health. Bearded dragons can absorb the necessary water requirements from the water content present in corn.
4. Strengthen Immune System
Corn contains vitamin C, which is known for its immune system-boosting properties. A strong immune system is crucial for bearded dragons to avoid health issues and diseases. Feeding your bearded dragon corn and other foods high in vitamin C can help them maintain a healthy immune system.
Potential Risks of Feeding Corn to Bearded Dragon
Despite being safe to consume, corn should not be a regular part of a bearded dragon’s diet due to its high carbohydrate content. Exceeding the recommended carbohydrate intake can result in weight gain and other health issues. Moreover, corn is deficient in, especially essential nutrients such as calcium, which is vital for the proper functioning of a bearded dragon’s body.
1. Imbalance in Phosphorus and Calcium Ratios
Corn also contains a high amount of phosphorus in comparison to calcium, resulting in an incorrect ratio of phosphorus and calcium, increasing the risk of metabolic bone disease. This condition is characterized by weakened bones and can significantly compromise the quality of life for your bearded dragon.
2. Liver Disease
Bearded dragons’ livers are not equipped to breakdown large amounts of carbohydrates. Hence feeding corn in excess can put a considerable strain on their liver, resulting in liver disease, liver damage, or even failure.
Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Corn
When it comes to feeding baby bearded dragons, it’s important to provide them with a balanced and nutritious diet to ensure proper growth and development. While babies can technically eat corn, it’s not the best option to include in their regular diet.
Corn lacks the essential nutrients and calcium that baby beardies need to thrive. In fact, it has a poor calcium to phosphorous ratio which can contribute to metabolic bone disease and other health issues. It’s best to prioritize feeding them foods that are high in protein with a variety of fresh leafy greens.
If you do choose to give your baby bearded dragon the occasional treat of corn, make sure to only offer them one or two individual kernels at a time. The majority of their diet should consist of live food and nutrient-rich vegetables to ensure they receive all the essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber they need to stay healthy and happy.
Alternative to Corn for Bearded Dragons
Instead of feeding corn, bearded dragon owners must ensure that their pets have a balanced diet and feed them a variety of foods, including leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, and beet greens. These greens are nutrient-dense and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep your pet healthy.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cooked Corn?
It’s not recommended to feed cooked corn to bearded dragons as cooked foods are not suitable for them. Stick with feeding them raw foods for optimal health.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Canned Corn?
It’s not advisable to give your bearded dragons canned corn as it is not a suitable food for them. Canned corn often contains additives like salt and other preservatives that can be harmful to your bearded dragon’s health. Do not give canned corn to your pet even in small amounts, it’s better to discard it than risk your bearded dragon’s wellbeing.
Is It Safe To Feed Canned Corn To A Bearded Dragon?
Feeding canned corn to your bearded dragon is dangerous, regardless of the amount. The salt and preservatives in canned corn can be harmful and even cause health issues for your pet. It’s best to avoid canned corn altogether to maintain the wellbeing of your bearded dragon.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Popcorn?
Popcorn is not a recommended food for bearded dragons. It poses a choking hazard and lacks essential nutrients that raw corn provides. It’s best to avoid popcorn altogether and offer your pet a more nutritious and safer food option.
In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat corn but only in moderation and as an occasional treat. Feeding raw corn to your pet dragon may lead to digestive issues, so it is best to offer them cooked or canned corn. While corn does contain some essential nutrients, a bearded dragon’s diet should consist of a balanced mix of vegetables, leafy greens, and protein.
Providing your bearded dragon with a range of vitamins and minerals is vital to prevent health issues such as metabolic bone disease caused by poor calcium to phosphorus ratios. As with any pet, it is important to provide a healthy diet to keep them happy and thriving, and incorporating corn as a healthy treat can be a great addition to your dragon’s regular diet.